Battle Pass ~=Poll Only=~

For future reference, a good server-hosted, Open Source tool that solves a lot of these problems right out of the box is called LimeSurvey. Sorry, @TeleTesselator I know it says “Poll Only.”


Same, but then I saw the results differ a lot and got suspicious so I checked it, it is of course always possible. A lot of people uses VPN these days or even makes dupes if they really don’t like the current standing to influence the system.

This was just a easy check in a private tab, and then I saw I could vote again so that’s why.


Depends. If you are in favor of battle passes, no, you don’t need to vote again. If you are against battle passes, yes, you need to vote again. :wink:


Well, I’m sure FC and other people who might be interested in these results are as smart as we are - so they can choose to ignore the web-poll if they like - or ignore this one.


Whether people agree or disagree with the changes, polls like this are hardly ever an actual metric to make business decisions on. By all means, respectfully debate on what you feel about the changes. But if your expectations that an exploitable poll should suddenly cancel something like a Battle Pass, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.


I was just editing the above to add that very same point Multigun. Thanks for making it for me tho! You said it better than I was about to anyway!

The mystery could be answered by any number of reasons. For example maybe a much higher percentage who do NOT like the official forums also don’t like giving their money to Funcom. etc.

One thing is for sure, it was a pretty crappy move to publish the poll exploit - whoever did that… :frowning: Maybe they can edit their post before it does more (or any) harm? Of course the person who did had to cheat to know about it so there is at least one vote messing up the results. :eyes:

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Of course, I don’t think anyone thought our polls can change anything. But it’s as good tool to vent as any >_>


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