After trying it out for many hours (over many days since its inception), I have concluded that I do not like the Battle Pass. To get the “rewards” that were purchased, its making the game grindy, monotonous, boring, and most importantly, not fun. I had more fun without the Battle Pass than with it.
I do not think I will be repeating this method of supporting the game. Its making my favorite game not fun to play and I do not want to play “Battle Pass”… I want to play Conan Exiles.
Umm… it’s optional. I am at lvl 41 and that is just from doing the challenges whenever I am around the objective of one. Just playing the game and doing my thing. Iv’e even noticed that there is a catch up mechanic in that you get bonus modifiers to your xp gained if you have been away. Anyway… as to your
Your logic is seriously flawed and 100% wrong. I was going to remove this since it obviously is the only thing people can seem to focus on but then I thought “what do I care”. Opinions are lake tushies, everyone has one and they all stink. Including mine.
lucky one you are that could do the bp, i cant even experience with battlepass since my server (official 1977) is broken for
nine days now (since the 3.0 launch)
Interesting claim since the definition of logic is “putting one’s thoughts in order.” What thought do you find disorderly in what I had to say? Or are you saying what you experience must be true for everyone?
Good feedback. Now just one question about the challenges. How is it any less grindy than what is currently in the game? or is that the complaint, the game is grindy as is and adding another layer of grind is ridiculous?
Because I believe the Battle Pass creates an artificial FOMO (at least, in myself, and perhaps other people as well). I’m not claiming its universal, but it does seem to be present. I find that I end up playing the “battle pass” objectives rather than my own objectives (like base expansions or leveling a thrall or whatever my own goals are). And I’m not liking that feeling of ‘competition’ to complete objectives for rewards that I have paid real money into vs. enjoying a game to relax and have fun where I set my own objectives. I guess I’m saying the Battle Pass has the emotional impact to taking away from the “sandbox” experience (ie. it runs contrary to how the game was designed and advertised from the beginning).
I’ve been playing for a week and nearly half way. I have not spent any time grinding it. Here’s my process when it comes to BP:
I login, then check challenges.
If there is anything I’m planning to do, I see if any line up with what I want to do.
If there isn’t, I do what I planned to do. If there is, I still do what I planned to do and then knock out any challenge that is near it.
If I don’t have anything planned, then I will work on some of the challenges.
Once I’m done playing for the day, I check to see if there is any 150 or 70 challenges and knock them out until its all 30 and 40.
I try to prioritized 10x 70 and 150. If needed I will go into SP to knock them out if they involve something on another map than I normally play on.
None of this is grindy. It literally just fills in small goals in gaps in my playing. I could only see this as a problem if you spent 1200cc and want that Wight Mount, right now. If that’s the case, just wait till it or something like it is available on the bazaar and just buy it outright.
@Taemien, thanks for your reply and how its going for you. That’s good advice for the most part, only that’s very similar to what I tried to do. But its not working for me. And no, there is nothing in the Battle Pass that I feel like I “must have right now.” Quite the opposite. I’m having buyers remorse. There’s nothing in the Battle Pass that I really like. I’m not a necromancer. Not a sorcerer. And not really excited about these offerings.
But I thought I would give the Battle Pass a try because I love Conan Exiles and want to support my favorite game. But I’m also an older gamer; I have a job and life outside of gaming. I didn’t grow up with Battle Passes (this is my first experience with one). And I’m not liking it. I’m the old fashioned, ‘pay for it and get it’ rather than ‘pay to play to get it’.
The Black Lotus Bazaar was interesting, but the price gouging is too much for me. So, the pricing keeps me from spending money there. If Conan Exiles offered the content in the DLC format like before, I’d buy them. Even if they doubled the price from $10 to $20 for a DLC pack, I’d probably buy it. But under this current business model and method of extracting value, its not for me.
FWIW, I also found it that way at the beginning, until I figured out how to “optimize” my interactions with the BP. If you don’t mind, I’ll share my experience with it and hope that this might help you enjoy it more.
These days, I log in once a day and first look at whether I have 5 new x10 XP multipliers like I should. Sometimes I don’t, because that part of the system is as buggy as any other, but when I do, I focus on doing the challenges that give 70 and 150 XP. Once I’m done with those, I reroll to try to get the remaining boosted challenges (i.e. challenges that have multipliers) as high as I can.
Once I’m out of multipliers, I stop focusing on challenges and I just play “normally”. Sometimes that will give me a bit of additional XP as I happen to complete a few challenges without trying.
I can usually get at least 2 BP levels each day, and I spend an hour or two in game. Not 100% of that time is spent on BP, because I also spend some time on storing stuff in appropriate containers and crafting stuff, etc.
It does, to a certain degree. I think Funcom is trying to maintain engagement levels with the game, so that the people on the servers will have a reason to play and not just log in to refresh their stuff.
It’s working on me, and I find the experience positive, but I also understand that it might not be so positive for other people, especially those who don’t have the time to play every day. While it’s true that the multipliers should accumulate over 5 days so you don’t have to use them every day, the rerolls won’t accumulate, so being able to play every day is an important advantage.
To be fair, even without that advantage, people who really want to finish playing through the whole BP should be able to do so comfortably. By playing with every advantage I can squeeze out, I get 2 or more levels a day, so I should be able to be done with the BP in a month. This leads me to believe that getting the whole BP done within 3 months should be perfectly doable.
I’m in the same boat as far as it being my first. I didn’t really know what a Battlepass was until I saw it in CE. I would say try to knock out some of the challenges here and there. At least until you get your 1200cc back and then see if the next BP has stuff you want. That way you don’t feel the hit so much.
Personally I’m using mine to get the torches. That’s the part I really want. I MIGHT use some of the mounts on a character in the future. But not sure.
Battle passes are a new normal in live service games , it atleast gives you some quests to do i guess , but overall the battlepass dosent have that much that would make me want to level it , 60 things ,i think 12 are free and like 30 are decorations , so your not left with much thats good personally , i persoanlly prefer the old dlc packs , but they dont sell aswell as a rotating store or battlepass sadly
And I fully support the author of the post. I’m not playing a game anymore, I’m playing a battle pass. For example, I need to get star metal, but Battle Pass does not give me such a task today. He suggests that I kill a mammoth with poison. Why would I do that? I don’t need a mammoth, I don’t need meat, I don’t need fur and I don’t have poison, I don’t use poisons. I need star metal, but I’m going to kill a mammoth, because otherwise I won’t close my battle pass that I paid for. You know what I mean? I’m starting to do things that I don’t need and aren’t interested in for the sake of a battle pass. And I don’t have enough time for what I really need. Do you think that’s what I want from the game? Of course not. We were promised that the battle pass would not interfere with playing the way you want, that the experience would go for any actions, that there would be no tasks, but in fact they cheated. So I won’t buy anything a second time either. This battle pass deprives you of your freedom of the game and makes you a slave to tasks. The author is right. Thanks for your attention.
I happen to agree with him, the most xp heavy options require me to do things out of my way, in fact i get on single player and grind out all of it in admin mode because i hate taking my limited time to play to do something i dont want to do all for 2-3 cosmetics (that i want)(also paid for) at the end of the “leveling”… id rather see the base xps from the game affect it than challenges, like yesterday i just wanted to farm 10k t3 mats each to add to my base, but instead i had to go kill a boss (i dont care for the drops of) across the map because its the most efficient source of xp, still got my 10k mats in, but its the point, i didnt want to do it and i had to.
Now we get to the fact that my expirience in the game every few days entails mindless teleporting around to finish “challanges” that do nothing else extra for me