The old battle pass challenge system was better! It wasn’t just 3 challenges a week. You could choose from several options, overall it was better!
You can complete all battle pass in 7 days just playing stop crying about the New battle pass Begin to play the game and you Will advance in battle pass YOU JUST NEED TO PLAY THE GAME to advance in battle pass now
For godsake why IS so hard to people understand the New battlepass.
You are funny. I can play 2 hour and maybe I get 1 or 2 level. I don’t play this game 0-24 not my main game. So I just blocked you angry weirdo.
Thanks for showing me your real personality! 1 less player that I don’t need.
You get BP for just being in game, old system didn’t do that.
You get BP for hunting, killing, farming, crafting. Old one didn’t count any of that.
You get 3 big challenges a week, designed for chronic refreshers.
I’m really not playing that much, got the battle pass done in a few weeks with out trying. The problem is you aren’t gettign a notice of completing tasks even though you are earning just as much in BP just being logged in and doing anything. You can get through the new pass as fast as the old one and with less effort.
But while playing you will get these nice jump scares as a pop up tells you you’ve unlocked the next item in the battle pass.
Looks like we keep bumping into each other on this topic @Reyik. But that is ok, it is always good to talk to a friendly face. I have had a lot of time to think on this and after much contemplation, I agree with you. Sure I like the idea of earning Exp by going about our daily playing tasks. But the downsides were this.
- only 3 challenges now where there were 5 before
- we lost the ability to re-roll
- we have people who play are powering through it in a few weeks on one end of the spectrum, and others struggling to get through it on the other end
Though I have now finished my Battle Pass I only completed it last weekend, as I am rather limited in the amount of time I get to play games. But I would usually make my Battle Pass span most of the 3 month period of the respective Chapter, so I would have ‘something to do’ when I did not know what I wanted to do on that play session. The new system is not ‘bad’. But the old system gave the player greater agency to pace themselves and their progression.
I’m sorry but the old challenge system was rubbish.
I would not be opposed to bringing back the reroll functionality, or 5 instead of 3
But not the ability to cheese the challenges in admin mode.
or the “kill 30 pray animals” type of filler refuse.
BP Exp as you play is a better system. IMO
The current XP gain system for the BP is good but the challenges arent.
The old system wasnt bad, you gained BP XP by playing the game and you could just reroll or spawn in whatever you had to kill. The old system always allowed you to complete the BP, even if you found a challenge boring or simply dont have much time to complete them.
With the current system you cant reroll, you cant spawn them in and complete it either.
When I got a challenge like the ‘kill demonic wolves’, I tried to complete it but ended up running to their likely spawn area’s for two hours and got just one(of the three required).
I tend to just ignore the challenges entirely now, which is a waste.
The only reason its not a dealbreaker is that you can complete the BP with regular gameplay and you have a lot of time to do it. I completed the BP a few weeks ago, btw.
I would prefer to just see the challenges dropped and the XP gain from regular gameplay increased or the weekly limit increased/removed.
Yes and no. You didn’t get BP for just playing that is the new system. The old system you had very specific challenges. Not that most were difficult, some were time consuming, quite a few you had to go out of your way to do, so hardly regular game pay.
Why would you need to? You can finish the battle pass with out ever doing nay of the challenges.
Always sounded like a cheat to me.
None the less the battle passes primary goal is to keep players in game. Player count means a lot in the game industry, the last thing they want is you to flash through the pass and be done in a day.
Oh no took you 2 hours, what torture, it must have been grueling.
Took me an hour to get the 3 demonic felines, and I spent 2/3rds of that juggling.
If I want to keep my player count up I’m going to find a good carrot, then give you something real grindy to do for it. Last thing I want is for you to have some fast easy way to get the carrot.
Exactly! They implemented a good stuff like you can gain XP anyway while playing but they made a bad change at challenges. You want the best player experience as a developer right? Why are you giving something with your one hand and removing something good with the other one? They just reduced the max available challenges in one time from 5 to 3, removed the multipliers from different difficulty of the challenges and they even removed the reroll option. It is just controversial. At LEAST give us back the REROLL option!
To be honest currently the best way to do it without any actual effort like go into singleplayer decrease crafting time, spawn items into your inventory and craft. Because I don’t have much time to actually do it. The old battle pass system was worse than the new but the old challenge system with reroll and multipliers was just better than the new one.
“make an armour”(any armour) or “craft a tool”(any) or “gather x basic resource” is just regular gameplay. If something was too specific, you could just reroll and do more regular gameplay.
Because I want to play the game? I know I can finish the BP without the challenges, its what I did as I explained above. You basicly just told me they are pointless.
And yet everyone, including you, are telling me its easy and you can appearantly do it in a week. You did it in a couple weeks and you barely play. If the goal had truely been player retention, by your admission, it failed.
The reason for a BP is bussiness, though.
Ah, lovely, some totally unnecessary, antagonistic hyperbole.
I spent two hours running around NOT completing the challenge. The felines are easy, others arent and they cant be rerolled. Its also always killing demonic creatures, zero creativity.
Running around for two hours trying to kill enemies I cant find(and dont even like, wolves are just annoying), is just boring gameplay.
“This is good because its grindy but I totally did it in a few weeks barely touching the game”.
And I can earn BP just doing things other then wasting mats on things I have no use for. So no need of a reroll.
Nothing is stopping you. And nothing is specifically telling you what you need to be doing while playing the game.
Did it? Can you go to single player and just spawn in demonic creature your need for the big BP? No? How is that a failure?
No it literally took an hour, and spent most of it killing time. No exaggeration.
You spent 2 hours constantly earning BP WHILE burning time waiting on respawns. You didn’t have to go hunt 10 hyenas, or pick 30 berry bushes. You could have literally just sat there.
The original was no different.
But I can’t just go to single player and spawn in everything and get it done in a matter of a few hours, can I?
Even playing online you can power level via craft of healing consumables.
You’ll need those anyway and it’s quite easy to craft them in hundreds.
From the time people are making the same wrong argument about the BP progression, I think at this point only the deliberately obtuse did not understood that the old BP was based on the challenges, and the new is based on everything AND the challenges.
I would not put any hope that the people who still clinging to that mindset will change with any argument, pretty much like Flat-earthers.
I don’t like either system to be totally honest.
Before was… Meh.
Now it’s more so because I was done in the first week without worrying about the challenges.
I much prefer the new system. I like being able to just play and level up. I don’t think I actually did any of the challenges at all and was done in a couple weeks.
so you used single player to finish it, and the console, yet the previous one was better? well…
i did reach level 60 faster with the new bp, and mostly by playing the game, (took me 7 days)
I am beginning to think most people who prefer the old BP challenges really just want to cheat the system with admin mode.
Except the old BP challenges weren’t cheating. The devs themselves acknowledged it as a viable and acceptable practice.
You still can by decreasing crafting time and having 100 cauldrons making alchemical base.