Give us back the OLD Battle Pass challenge system!

Just start level 1 purge anywhere. Gas exile attackers with arrows , in few minutes you will have level up in battlepass. You can advance 8 levels per day this way. You dont even need purge base for this, just coffer on the ground will do and 1 thrall with you.

Yes the new system is terrible when playing legit
It also pauses you when there no more challenges

Thank god we can still cheat to progress I don’t enjoy doing useless missions I don’t wanna do when I can do something else more fun in order to get what I paid for.

I found the new BP to be way more efficient than the old one, sure I miss the ability to reroll challenges, but if I get a garbage challenge, I’ll craft dragonbone arrows instead. Finished the BP in about a week. Unlike the old version that took longer and was far more tedious, even with admin mode.


No it doesn’t.

You paid for the privilege of doing the battle pass.

You progress without doing the challenges with the new system, but there is an 8k per day limit.

Under the old system you HAD to do challenges to progress, instead of “something more fun”

The way I did the old pass was, check the big BP challenge, go cross country to do it and do, kill 10 this, collect 10 that, ect as I stumbled over them along the way. Like run in to some hyenas and get the challenge pop up. Now I don’t get side tracked but get BP for the journey.

But this is a perspective thing. I never found the challenges hard enough to worry with an easy way to do them.

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Because we have no control over the missions at all, there is no way to re roll the missions to anything you wanna do. For example kill 3 demon wolfs… I spend 2 hours to do the mission legit before I start cheating with instant spawn timers, even then it took long.

The missions are usually too difficult for new players, before they changed it you had simple and hard missions.

It does pause you, I don’t know how you claim otherwise. When you finish the weekly missions and reached the max BP exp due to doing other things you are on hold/paused. You can’t further progres.

Yes, which could also be changes to doing something fun. Don’t you think if you pay for privileges it should at least be fun to do?

It would be nice if we at least had more control over how we finish the BP… playtime should be more important than these stupidly annoying missions if you ask me…

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I don’t claim the old system was good, it also had its flaws.
But at least you could continue without being paused/stopped due to that limit.

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But you can.
Challenges are a bonus on top of your daily 8 levels.
You can lvl up to max without doing even a single challenge.

So the thought of blowing it off till next week never entered your mind?

The simple missions were dropped for all the time BP earning.
At first level I can earn BP while doing the early journey steps and not have to go fight 10 hyenas.

Only if you go out of your way to do it. Sounds to me like you are going out of your way to do high BP earning activities.

I never found it fun going out of my way to do things I wouldn’t be doing other wise, or wasting mats on things I have no need of.

As much as I like goals, I don’t like being side tracked by not challenges.

You mean like all those nonchallenges in the old pass :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I stand by what I have said here and on other topics before about the challenge changes.
Thanks for the insights though.

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i in the olde system someone could complete the entire pass in row if wanted just playing too, in admin or not. Now they force us to hold ,cant complete it in a day if wanted, and also admin mode was nerfed, spawned mobs dont count (only the spawned via console but, i think they forgot to remove this hability). Less variety of challenges, for me 90% was kill demonic something, those demonic animals take ages to spwan, without console it would be a pain. In old games you need to do things faster (personal opinion but, i think no one wanna spent a lot of time to progress in an oldie), and they are making the things even slower.

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Previous one was better for players who not play much but wants to grind challenges, yes. But as I told already old BP system was worse and new one is better BUT challenges the old system was better than the current one. :person_shrugging:

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i disagree, i kinda like the new one better i guess its just a personal point of view.

Perfected paddings also allow for the BP to go fast.

You are mostly complaining about nothing. Reroll was just a single mouseclick. I also never picked 30 bushes, I just rerolled and did something I liked or was useful for my playthrough. Old BP wasnt perfect but it was better than the current challenges.
I stand by what I said, you didnt give me anything that counters my arguments.

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Ya know, don’t think I ever did a reroll :thinking:

Quite clearly an opinion. Apparently you like wasting mats and getting side tracked. I don’t like my game play being dictated by the battle pass. I don’t mind challenges I do mind busy work. Now I can’t see why, if you still go out of your way to do high BP activity, you care if you don’t have a list of nonchallenges. You’re still creating and doing your own challenges “create 100 star metal arrows”.

As I have said I am very goal oriented, but I don’t see collecting 10 stones a goal, it’s make work at best. I don’t need 10 hides, I need 300 ichor.

In my opinion the new battle pass lets me play my game my way, with 3 weekly ACTUAL challenges.

You do get the next step is door prizes right? What are you all going to think when you start getting reskinned ornaments for just logging in? Or better yet a random chance at 5 pieces of garbage or 1 ok something. aww didn’t win this time? Try again in 2 hours.

I’m a pessimist, so I know it can always be worse.

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You’re asking Conan Exiles players to pay attention to game mechanics instead of coming up with wild theories on how things work. That’s where the problem is.


Thats just your opinion, a weird one.
Most people can use stone for bricks or hide for hardened leather and steel. You are acting like these are completely useless resources, just because you dont need them or dont need them right now.

Killing yet another 3 demonic somethings(boar, wolves or whatever else) is neither a challenge nor a goal, its the same enemy you’ve already killed 3 times. They dont even offer good rewards.

But if thats what you like, keep going after them. Knock yourself out.
As long as they are removed from the BP and the focus entirely placed on BP advancement through regular gameplay.
There is nothing more to discuss here.

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In what way? Because it isn’t the same as yours?
You must live in a world of weird people if your definition of weird is “not like me”.

I’d bet a good portion of players have chests of all that, so no actual need.
If you don’t, you will be making it with out a battle pass challenge to do it and BP for all that, not just for what the challenge is.

Once again I agree with the monotony of the challenges. Some are not a challenge, all are goals. Unless your definition of a goal is different then mine.
Not good rewards :face_with_raised_eyebrow: For most I get a skeleton key. You always get the standard loot, my first though is “room in the recycler”.
But I do need to restock demon blood and such.

Ya, but I’m pessimistic there wont be a response post :wink:

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