Limited Challenges are terrible

So all I can do is 3 a week?! Please tell me I’m missing something. Tell me there’s other ways to get the tier advancement. Just 3 Challenges a week, which got me to tier 9, means it’ll take about a month and a half to complete the BP. That’s more than double what the previous Chapters took. I really hope I’m missing something.


3 challenges in week that is luck on kill if counted
to me - i needed to kill 200 creatures in total to get them 15 to count in…

Then its 8 levels if all is OK
Next go harvest stones or materials to get 15 XP per node, or kill enemies = 10 xp, 35 xp and 80 xp ( skull boss) you can kill them all you want to get more 8 levels and then you will get capped ( you wont get any xp anymore!, that is for either 1 day, or whole week - dunno so far ) so its like 8 levels from really bad challenges in 7 days, or each day grind to get 8 levels … ( i am now capped on 16 level for 2 days… )

I found one speedgrind way but i wont tell it because well you know, when its ruining gameplay, funcom releases it as feature, but when its helping players it fixed almost instantly


LOL, thanks for the info, I’ll go farm some skulls and do the beast hunting. 16 tiers a week would be much better, closer to the rate in the old Chapters.

There’s passive Progression for Killing things and crafting, only thing is you can’t be in admin mode while doing it since you have to earn XP.

Im sure you can figure out what to do next G.

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Optimal completion time (3 weeklies + daily XP cap of 8k) currently sits at 7 days.
8000 XP from daily cap (8 BP Levels) x 7 = 56,000 (56 Levels)
7500 XP from weeklies (7.5 BP Levels)
56,000 + 7500 = 63,500 XP
Full BP completion requires 60k, so you don’t need to fully complete your daily cap on the 7th day.

You can do challenges and regular Battle Pass XP farming in admin mode, you just currently can’t admin-spawn enemies to kill, as they don’t give XP or challenge progress, you gotta kill enemies spawned naturally in the overworld, unsure if that’s intentional or an oversight.

It seems the new system is at least a decent bit faster than the previous one


There’s a guaranteed 1 scull named fighter thrall that spawns just near Cannibals Rest they count as demonic you can just farm them. :grin:

Your title says it all. 100% agreed.

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In old chapter in 3 days i was able to get to 30-40…

Needed just to wait till xp boosts x10 adds up 10 times and do far right mission in singleplayer…

That is 150 XP mission x10 = 1500 xp, on 1 mission. and could do it 10 to 20 times.,…
one level 1000 XP so counting up yeah beffore it was faster… than its now… ;c


You can but its specific way how, but not telling just hint maybe modders already solved this

If we speak about bpass here, my feedback is that i like it this way. One less headache. I just play the game and it gets unlocked alone, superb.


Yes because we have to ask why the BP is being limited to 8k daily and the answer lies with how many of us spawn in everything within 2-3 days and then simply not play the game and if lucky you are logging in for 10 minutes a week. The BP’s main goal is to provide extra stuff for those playing.

It was actually a luxury to have the ability to be in admin mode to gain BP advancement. We are talking less than a week to complete a battle pass that will be around for 12 weeks. WTAF is wrong and if the complaints continue, I would expect admin mode be barred completely from BP advancement while providing better playing alternatives to help speed it up if it’s needed. It’s what I would do.

Those that aren’t playing more than an hour a week shouldn’t dictate how the game is designed for those of us that still play the game fairly consistently. Deal with the BP is now regulating your grind.

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8k every day?! That’s MUCH faster than before. Awesome! Thank you!

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No worries, someone also mentioned that you can use Pippi’s mob spawner and that does grant Battle Pass XP.

I tested it out and hit my cap in 3 minutes. On that basis, and with say 10 minutes for 3 weekly challenges, you’re looking at a hefty 31 minutes to complete the battle pass over 7 days :joy:


People are complaining that they have to play the game. Imagine…


Or just chillen an watchen dancers :smile:

This. I figure funcom looked at the numbers, saw the player spike drop off fast as people finished the battle pass. Even on live it didn’t take a week to do, then serial refresh for 2 and a half months.

But, as I’ve said, I’m not serial refreshing now, I’m doing my weeklies :rofl:

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I wasn’t complaining that I have to play the game, if you meant me. I was just hoping there was more that we can do other than the 3 challenges a week, and there is. So it’s all good with me.

I’m complaining that devs are trying to fix things that works just fine. And after failure are trying to do some damage control by saying that that was planed that way.

What is the reason to changed BP progression? I’ve already paid for it.
What is the reason to change UI?
What is the reason to change bearers?
Just why? Why? And why?

If it is not ready - just don’t implement that.
If u messed up - just speak to people. Like:

“You guy’s dont got it, those BP changes was made to make it easier to progress. Just look at that and if you do this and complete that challenge you will get more lvl then before”.

“yea, guys we tried our best but it went this way. That changes are part of something bigger that we plan in future - it will be really cool but require more time to implement, so we apologize and will fix that as fast as possible.”

“So bearers was planed as chests on legs but not like tanking force, so ve decided to make this changes to force people use them differently”.

Smth like that. To speak with playerbase. To communicate - like people do, like good devs do.


Shhh dont talk so open about it , it may be ‘‘updated’’ in future… or modders wont be able to make anymore spawns…

I can’t say much for the other remarks, but this one is truthful. 8 tiers a day easily doing things you usually do in the game anyway is much faster than the previous chapters. I started this thread because I didn’t know that. I got my 8 tiers today by just putting things on to craft, like steel reinforcements, shaped wood, etc. Super easy. Add in some adventuring, like doing the beast hunting, and you get those 8 tiers in no time at all.

I counts just being in game. Log in, go AFK, easy points.