BattleEye repeatedly kicks me out on query timeout

No, of course, don’t jump to conclusions. it has just been thrown out on several PVP servers

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I’m playing on the Waknation Unofficial Isle of Siptah PvE, and I’m getting kicked out every few minutes by BattleEye. It started happening yesterday and continues today.

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same here… also official server but pve

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Same here every 15 min will be kicked :anger:
PVE-C official
Realy i can’t do any dungeon or boss

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I’ve had this too, three or four times this morning, but it hasn’t booted me off for the past half an hour now?

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I am playing on an un-modded vanilla server, and am getting the same problem since early yesterday (8/2/2024). I am also having this issue on the official servers. Cmon Funcom. Stop breaking the game!


Sick of this. And of course it’s just in time for the weekend, and wont be addressed until Monday.


Same 1037 happens every 10 minutes on average

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This has started happening to me from last night on the isle of sipah and today on exile lands, it is happening to all on server, adding exceptions to battleeye and conan apps in firewall and antivirus does not resolve the issue neither does reinstalling battleye.

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BattleEye is a disaster.

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Just an update I verified files on steam all were good, I removed all exceptions from firewall for battleeye and conan, I then reset winsock and restarted pc. Ran the game and battleeye reinstalled the game felt smoother but after 5 minutes i was kicked again by battleye. I was monitoring the connections and it seems that the BEService.exe port 54943 UDP is Not allowed by firewall maybe this is the cause of the issue

Same problem on #1025 offical. “You have been kicked by BattlEye.
Reason: Query Timeout”. It’s the weekend and again we’re starting with errors and problems at Funcom…


Same problem on #1025 offical. “You have been kicked by BattlEye.
Reason: Query Timeout”. It’s the weekend and again we’re starting with errors and problems at Funcom…

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And this is the crux of it. Prime gaming time lost to the same ol’ BattleEye bug.

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Exactly. Someone changed something somewhere on a Friday and walked away, because in the history of IT, making an update on a Friday and walking away has never gone wrong.


According to support, the error has been fixed. Let’s see… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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do tell us if it is true ^^ otherwise see you back here in 5 minutes

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They probably was testing and broken something

So far it is running stable and there have been no disconnects :fist:


Samer error code on server 6100 PVE been happening since last night

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