Battlemetrics do not work anymore, see inside

FC, can you please fix this? How can I chose a server now?


Not really for private servers. Should have made it a toggle for private and official.

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By changing your steam name, you can not be followed on battlemetrics.

The problem, before I use battlemetrics to choose a server (official, 10 players max, no player with more than 200 hours last month and no more than 400 hours in total). Then I can have a server to play that fit to my style and no nolife player always here 12h per day or more, not too massive buildings.

Then they hide players list, by choosing a server with less that 2 000 hours in total in the last month it was still working, not so good, but working.

Now, how can I choose a server??? …

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En serio ?

Si mira abajo

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