Battlepass borked

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Bazaar
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: lbpr,b barber,weaty armor,waff art,curse clothes,fash,iqol,lbpr

Bug Description:

battlepass seems cancelled, i cant acess its content

Bug Reproduction:

maybe happened during an admin stat respec?

response please, i paid for it, it worked, now it don’t. i pressed the ingame help button and dunno if i correctly sent the bug report.

Greetings jistsomeguy!
Thank you for reporting your situation.

In order for our team to properly assess the situation, please submit a ticket through our Zendesk platform:

Important: Please Make sure to select “Purchases” as the issue type.

Our team will await your report!

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will do, thanks 8]

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sorry guys, i was mistaken. i thought it removed my battlepass and i didnt math right. thx for the response and patience of the forum and zendesk ppl. 8]

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