Battlepass Dead? Game Is Dead

For my part I do not believe the game is dead at all , I think that the bazaar is providing them with enough revenue to continue updating the game.

I think that the battlepass was good for the players but bad for business , since it was 60 items competing with the overpriced bazaar that was self suffcient ( meaning you bought it once and had the 55 items and the CromCoins back to purchase the next BP , so for the people that bought the first BP they got 55(items) * 7(chapters) = 385 items for the price of one battlepass.)

385 Items !!! no wonder they want to stop it now . and for the people that didnā€™t like the battlepass and are happy I hope theyā€™ll understand how player-friendly it was with the math I just showed ā€¦

Anyways now the remaining playerbase will only have overpriced bazaar to quench their decorating thirst (that Iā€™ve seen many say they donā€™t indulge in it while seeing so many uproar each time an object from the bazaar isnā€™t well implemented or has any other issue like size or naming doesnā€™t reflect what it really is or isnā€™t a real chest ect ā€¦ :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: )

Iā€™d love to see more of an uproar from the comunity to say itā€™s scandalous to take it away as it was sold to us as a continuing income of goods for a one time buy :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

Thatā€™s because ā€œdeadā€ is a meaningless term at this point. Will they keep updating the game? Well, duh, they said they would. So the game is ā€œnot deadā€. Are there people still playing the game? Well, duh, there are people still playing Brood War. So the game is ā€œnot deadā€.

The problem with the whole ā€œthe game is deadā€ discourse is that itā€™s impossible to agree on what it means.

So no, Conan Exiles is not ā€œdeadā€. But can we expect things to get significantly better?

Funcom would like to reassure us about that. Weā€™re told that there will be ā€œa Q&A or something similar later this month to address some questions and concernsā€, and thatā€™s nice, but actions speak louder than words.

Right now, we donā€™t have any encouraging actions to draw hope from. The update they released together with this announcement is anemic. I havenā€™t seen anything to address the most common complaints about serious bugs, nor have I heard anything about turning the tide against the hackers that plague the official servers.

Only time will tell whether Funcom will manage to reverse their track record.


So you mean everything is almost as usual ? with the exception that the new update didnā€™t bring a serious bug that impact everyone ( only siptah seems to have unknockable npcs so far ) and that it didnā€™t go through testlive at all as all minor patches . :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil:

Sorry for the sarcasm but Iā€™ve lost faith that they care about us .
Youā€™re already aware of it , but to recap , for years they didnā€™t had any sort of real moderation and people like you and me asked for it because of the toxicity that you can encounter in onlinegaming

Then a few weeks after this case was solved ( nov 19th 2019) the TOC was updated from ā€œwe wonā€™t interfere in servers politicsā€ to the first iteration of the new TOC which stated a bit more of the unwanted behavior.

It has now evolved to banning long time player that have big bases/or serveral bases without any warning.
5 years of commitement ( having to plan for holidays refresh , go to a cybercafe or making sure there is wifi where you go ) gone because someone that may have just join the server you play on reported you ( rightfully , or not Iā€™m not debatting that because that also can be a long discution on what motivates a report ) and may know nothing of

  • the ā€œhistory of the servers policyā€ ( meaning that you had to have at some point a maproom at each obelisk not to help the community more than to prevent a toxic player from walling it in )

  • That people toxicity of walling you in can leave a scar that you build bigger just to reach an no build zone , or to prevent external purges destroying precious things because there is a toxic player at the moment bringing purges on your base ectā€¦ ,

  • The community that have formed on it ( I can say that in 5 years Iā€™ve seen at least 300 people saying thank you in chat for some construction built at the right place by those same people that are ā€œbuilding to prevent ressources or base locationā€ :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: while at least in my experience i saw noone directly complaining to them that their buildings were to big ectā€¦)

  • And so many more things that could be explained with some context like clan merges ectā€¦

and that you have no way of defending yourself / or any rescourse in case of tempban from their own policies is just customer unfriendlyness at such a level it is crazy.

Iā€™ve played games, that got updates and then closedā€¦ every game could be deadā€¦ just donā€™t know.
spooky ghost sounds


Yes that is bad. Many of us have pushed for warnings with explanations. Rules with less wiggle room, consistent enforcement, explanations for time outs, and so on.

And it would actually be nice if that would work. But if people can break the rules they will, and if they continue to do so with out receiving any disciplinary action will think they must not be breaking the rules, so continue to do so. Then it turns in to a player see player do situation and we right back to here again.

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Sure, if you have only one ax to grind and donā€™t care about anything else, then everything is as usual.

As far as Iā€™m concerned, itā€™s pretty clear everything is getting worse, and Iā€™m waiting for them to do more than just talk about how theyā€™re going to make it better.

Youā€™re in the minority. Battle Passes have no place in survival games. The community as a whole has hated the Battle Pass.

Good thing this community has spokespeople, otherwise no one would know how we feel as a whole.


Any data to back that up?


Roughly 9-ish months of conversations, forum posts, videos, and chatrooms where in there has been a near-universal hatred of the battle pass.


The next chapter will be full of Bazaar hate because it will be the only way to get any new gear or building pieces.
Congrats, I guess.
In your blind hate towards the only semi-fair way to get content, you all ignore the elephant in the room.
Funcom wonā€™t magically give players the same amount of content but for free and they wonā€™t go back to old DLCs monetization.
Literally boiling frogs.


The same announcement that said the Battle Pass is going away also said we would be getting more free content. What does that mean? Not sure. However itā€™s directly saying their will be more free content. My guess would be Twitch drops.

The bazar is hated even more than the Battle pass. There are near constant posts about it. Issue is that it only takes a few whales to justify keeping it running as is.

My guess would be that Funcom didnā€™t remove the Battle pass because of complaints but instead because it wasnā€™t making money on the scale they thought it would. Especially given that the forums are a void where complaints go to die.

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Their ā€œfree contentā€ will be something around 2 or so weapon skins and maybe some armor piece akin to Prophet with 6 months between releasesā€¦and thatā€™s a hopium of mine. It also can be just some cut or repurposed assets from existing bazaar bundles.
We donā€™t have statistics on whales but I have no doubt thereā€™s enough to keep the existing FOMO model.
The game is in the final milking stage before they eventually throw it into the bin.

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I totally agree. The game is on life support and the nurses stopped checking in to change the bed pan.

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-no new ideas for chapters,
-no manpower to create them

  • reworked BP progress system just to abandon it before next era/chapter (wasted resources to create it)
  • no ā€œfreeā€ bp (1200cc rollover, cause too many players used that)
  • removing bp, because they have to spent too much time creating content for it, so instead they will be able to create new content (f### logic);

ā€œwe donā€™t have time, resources nor ideas to create anything of worth for this game, so we are postponing everything, meanwhile turning on old event, since it is least effort for usā€

this is a fall from the cliff for this game


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When the game becomes less interesting than its skins*, maybe thatā€™s when the game is dead? lol
I am jesting, I do not think that the game is dead at all, I think they are working on it a lot if anything, and I do hope that the last quizz which asked if we wanted a new map, in-game events, seasonal events, a fixing of bugsā€¦ will be considered or has been considered for that new direction they are taking.

Croms, I feel the opposite.
I am a desperate case of skins lover in games you see, and if I dare say, one of the most desperate you might even ever meet.
And yet, even when I lack the motivation to be in the game (I only played a few hours since the wave of bans), or if I enjoy its visual contents more than its gameplay contents (those few hours served me to complete the BP in admin mode), I do not miss the BP system at all.
It does not mean I agree with the bazaar prices. It just means, the battle pass system is one I forced myself to complete to get the items I wanted, but was not enjoyable in its nature.

I explained it in the other post, I will just copy-past it here again.

In short, Conan Exiles should never be considered ā€œaliveā€ for its optional content only, nor ā€œdeadā€ just because that optional content is no more. We should strive for improvements to the core game.
And that is something coming from someone who is obsessed with skins. :smiling_face_with_tear:

*I heard you Deacon and can somehow relate, but Nemesis is right into saying fresh players like me do understand right away what he means when using the word skinā€¦ In this case, all the optional content which was not meant to give an unfair advantage to a category of players nor affect the gameplay balance. In others words: DLCs, BP, and bazaar contents. I am not talking about the cases of abuse by players of that said content to their advantage, but of the original spirit in which they were released.

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Event rewards are basically free content. Any thing you earn in game is free content. From the rewards for completing journeys to the recipes in that book on the ground by the shrine of the oracle, itā€™s free content. And yes that include twitch drops.

It means this free content is buried in events. This update has set the stage. We have 2 armor sets (3 if you count the heavy gloves/shackles) . Recipes given as event rewards is what the new paradigm. We are getting 5-10 recipes free behind cycling grinding events vs 50+ items for 10 bucks with minor grind. The only way this is going to work, IMHO, is that we donā€™t get the error of the JS event that turned the entire thing into a massive grinding chore. This headhunting seems to be a better pace but itā€™s still dangling carrots to get player numbers up.


Thank you @E.y.
I am reading lines in here and try to find a hope to grab on.
You gave it to me and i am great full!
Thank you :heart:!