Battlepass Dead? Game Is Dead

Though funcom says otherwise, i tend to agree with the sentiment, this game is going into maint mode until proven otherwise.

We have yet to see any bug fixes in a while that addressed many of the bugs currently making this game nearly unplayable.
We have not seen any movement on making the ui for inventory better nor making the inventory system any better at all in general.

Not sure what to tell people here, proof is proof, and bug fixes NEED to happen and so does movement on various QoL issues they themselves made necessary to address.

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I would like to disagree, but I can’t. I am glad to see Funcom say that they have no intention of pulling back on support, they’re just improving the release rate to something more manageable. But I feel that I need to see some evidence at this point.

Still no acknowledgement that ‘Custom Sort’ functionality was removed to the detriment of many.
Still no sign of resolving the many other inventory issues (dropping wrong items etc)
Still no acknowledgment about removing the mouse pointer from radial menus to force ‘controller-style’ movement in those menus (but I seem to be the only person bothered by this and Xevyr already made a mod to fix it, so maybe I should just give up on this one :wink: )
Still no acknowledgment of the many requests regarding hackers on PVP (and now purge griefing on PVE)
Still no acknowledgement that thralls are randomly suffering fall damage because of bad pathing
Still no completion of the long promised fix for pets - still just worthless decorations for the most part

And that’s just immediate concerns off the top of my head - I’m sure there’s other issues I’m forgetting. I’d like to see some fixes for some of these issues before I really believe that Funcom is serious. But at the very least I’d like to see these issues acknowledged and some sort of plan/rough timescale offered for when they might be fixed. Sure, some are more complicated issues than others and maybe couldn’t even be given a rough timescale (how long would it take to solve hacking issues - probably an indeterminate period of time that lasts until you solve it), but at least some of these should be possible to put some kind of estimate on.

Edit: One obvious one I forgot - still no fix for people falling through foundations - though at least that has been acknowledged.
And (For Crom!) - still no acknowledgement of problems with thrall pots.


I hate it. It’s janky and doesn’t work well with KB/M.


:brazil: Conan Exiles feedback

O melhor de “Age of War” Ă© o evento que agora podemos pegar os ensinamentos dos itens e dos conjuntos :nicowl:


I quit the game the moment they removed custom inventory sorting.

I am playing Fallout 76 now.

Much better game.

Sad to say it, but I am never coming back to Funcom. Too many self defeating, anti-customer game design implementations.

Someone in charge at Funcom is a very special boy, and by special I mean missing a brain.

This chair is 10$ i kid you not :rofl:
2024-06-21 01_15_10-Window

While the game does have bugs, most of the things people think are bugs are not. Many of the long standing issues with the game are performance issue related. For example floating animals, hits not registering, and building crashing people as they load in. All performance related. On a private server with proper optimization these issues vanish.

Something I’ve seen quite often is new players dying of heatstroke offline after they camp out in their desert base with several furnaces on blast. Not being aware of the mechanics they think it’s a bug.


Can’t say I’m sad to see the battlepass go. With all of the other BP’s from other games, it’s nice to see Funcom at least pretending to do something different. Whether or not this means the content will continue remains to be seen, but I personally am happy that the BP was removed.

Of course I think they are working on it.
The people on this forum -and probably during the quizzes too-, kept complaining about the fast pace of the chapters which was rushing the team to introduce half-baked new content, and kept on saying that the community would rather have longer chapters if it meant having less bugs and a better care of the game overall.
Funcom listened, and made their own conclusions about their work, which ultimately align well with what we were asking:

I cannot be more satisfied with the new path they are taking. It is truly a positive fresh start since the implementation of the Ages.


The battlepass items were free after you bought 1 battlepass. I take it you’re more satisfied buying those battlepass items directly from the bazaar at 10-20$ a piece?

I don’t know why some players only focus on the part of the announcement concerning an optional purchase (= the Battle Pass) and occult the rest of their announcement concerning their work about the game. In your case, it is to the point of making an uncalled assumption about me and my relationship to the optional purchases of the game, what the heck.
Rather than assuming things about the spending of my money from a sentence concerning what I think of the team’s new pace of work, read my above comment about the BP to know where I stand, it would make more sense.

While I am not quite as confident as you, I agree with your basic point - we complained about the rate of release, Funcom listened. (And, just like many of us said would happen, as soon as Funcom slows down the ‘game is dead’ crowd immediately take that as ‘proof’ that they are right

I need to see some actual improvements before I will be happy, but I do support Funcom slowing down on releases. What we need to see is if that results in better quality (the hope) or the same low-quality just less of it (the fear). Only time will tell for certain.

I can’t speak for @E.y but my own opinion is that the loss of the battlepass is not that bad. Sure, it was nice to get a bunch of free stuff every few months, and it’s disappointing to see it go - but I never felt it would last forever and it always seemed like something of a ‘loss leader’ (sold at a loss to encourage customers to hopefully spend more on other products). I would guess that the loss they were making on it was turning out not to be so well covered by the profit from the bazaar - maybe not enough income to justify it. That would be a pretty natural reason to try moving away from it - and they do mention intending to carry on giving ‘free content’, though I would imagine at a naturally lower rate.

As for ‘buying those items from the bazaar’, I’m not convinced that is directly one to one. I liked getting free BP stuff, but I wouldn’t have spent on the bazaar for most of it. I only spend on the bazaar when it’s something I particularly want and am willing to pay the price for. For me, many of the prices are higher than I would be willing to pay for something, so I pass it by even if I wanted it - maybe others are more willing to buy (clearly that’s the business model), but I can only speak for myself. (Also, not playing right now, so all of this is a bit irrelevant - but the point remains about my view of BP and bazaar, and would be the same if I was playing.)


Yup, I am eargerly waiting for the results of that new pace too. One of my friends bought the game, but is waiting for some bugs to be fixed before playing it. Same for me, I lacked the motivation to play after my other friend stopped playing when I was banned (it was the bug which had massively banned people who had purchased crom coins), and when I found the courage to play again (and I do not mean just logging in to complete the BP in admin mode), my desire was short-lived with the bug of my inventory. I am currently waiting for bugs to be fixed, and cannot wait for my friend and me to play together when -and IF- they are fixed!

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Which in and of it’s self was supposed to be a positive fresh start, yet here we are.

And that was the issue with the battle pass. It was actually costing funcom money. As I’ve said, despite the flaws in a few, most of the battle pass content was much better quality then I expected. That level of work is costly.

I think funcoms biggest mistake was tying updates to events. As in the chapters should have been separate from bug fixes and unrelated tweaks, changes, additions to the game.

I’m a cynical pessimist, I don’t expect any more from funcom in the future then they have delivered in the past.

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That’s pragmatism, isn’t it? It’s just a question for educational reasons, not argument!
I cannot find this statement cynical because it applies no cynicism, just facts until now.
Their content was always pleasant but with issues and in cases, many issues. So not expecting flawless outcome is logical not cynical!


I don’t consider myself part of the “game is dead” crowd, but I do have my reasons to be dissatisfied and worried about the future.

Let’s start with the most obvious:

You’ll note that even the optimistic players are having trouble actually playing the game. The whole point of “please slow down and fix things” is to fix things.

Instead, we get the announcement of slowing down and an update that doesn’t fix some of the major game-breaking bugs and UX pain points. Oh, and part of the announcement is that we’ll get a smaller update between major updates. Not “smaller updates”, but “a smaller update”. Was this latest update the one? If so, does that mean that people who are “waiting for bugs to be fixed” to “play together when – and if – they are fixed” going to have to wait at least 3 more months? Who knows. :man_shrugging:

Okay, but what does any of that have to do with the Battle Pass? Nothing directly, but a lot as part of a bigger picture.

For one thing, not everyone hated it universally. Yeah, there were complaints about FOMO, and there were complaints about the grind, and there were complaints about the UI, but a lot of people actually liked having new shіt to do with each chapter. And you only had to pay for it once, so it wasn’t a drain on your finances. And if you got fed up with it halfway through, you could go spam it in single-player mode and be done with it.

But that’s not why it bothers me. It’s not the first time Funcom took away some aspect of the game that I actually liked, it won’t be the last, either.

No, the reason it bothers me is because it makes me wonder about what paradigm shift inside Funcent caused this.

When you cut something out, it’s because the cost outweighs the benefit. Whatever Funcom’s benefit from the Battle Pass was supposed to be, it sure as shіt wasn’t about direct revenue, because you only had to pay for BP once and you were set.

When you track the changes they made to BP over time, you can see indications that they were trying to get people to play more regularly. Sure, that’s only speculation, but it seems like a solid hypothesis given their actions.

So why does that not matter anymore? I could be an optimist and say that the cost of producing all the content for BP was too high and that they decided they would try different tactics to drive engagement.

Except that the removal of BP just happens to coincide with the slowdown of the release cadence. So what different tactics are we talking about? It sure ain’t new content, because that will come at a slower pace.

What then? More out-of-game marketing bullshіt, like Twitch drops?

Or is it that the optimistic interpretation is wrong, and they simply don’t care about raising engagement anymore?

Nobody knows. And I’m betting that the upcoming Q&A won’t really clarify that, either. It’s a company, they’re not gonna sit down with us and put their cards on the table. Not to mention that whatever they say, the trust the players have towards them is so low that even a pygmy limbo dancer couldn’t squeeze under it.

Starting is easy. I could show you my “Projects” directory on my hard drive as evidence. :smiley:

They keep starting. Be nice if they could follow through. Like so many others, I’m waiting to see if they’ll do it this time around, but I’m not holding my breath.


I’d agree (in fact, I tend to think of you in the ‘many of us said would happen’ part of the equation

As, I think, do we all. I also noticed the ‘smaller update’ singular - to go for the glass half full for a moment, perhaps that does not preclude the possibility of patches or ‘hotfixes’ in the interim (though I’m doubtful, and July certainly eliminates that likelihood for at least a month - which makes three months likely
). The problem is that the reason the glass is half-full or half-empty is because Funcom keeps knocking it over in the first place, and at this point I’d rather just have the bottle. That metaphor may have gotten away from me a bit - but suffice to say Funcom’s decisions drive me to drink

As for the BP - you may well be right. Certainly I think that whatever ultimately decided it, the baseline is that it was consider to be costing too much time/man-hours for the benefit it granted. Whether that benefit was measured in engagement or bazaar sales or whatever, I can only assume that the result was considered insufficient. Though if the intent was engagement, perhaps another culprit to be considered would be the many issues we spend our time complaining about - if the game was in a more enjoyable state, and not subject to so many bugs and bad decisions, perhaps engagement would be higher. Certainly it seems more plausible that you, I and E.y might all be spending more time in the game, which is at least three

Oh so many many times


Updates and Updates

2 different things. XD
I don’t really consider fixes an “update” I don’t expect that to count for everyone.

Its one of those
 Funcom track record with letting bad bugs sit for months on end. Would they really wait for small update moment, or drop a fix on its own.
Amount of times from Funcom and Every Dev Team since updates became a thing for games. “well release it with next update”
 instead of right away has made me question alot of system.

We got a small update
 added a nice feature. Which I’ve used several times now. 6 outta 7 for fall damage saves
 Could’ve just made them immune to fall damage.

Glad when she got stuck under Rocknose King who
 turned her from 2400hp to 0 in .000000000000000001 second. And then proceeded to reduce gray bar to near zero

Glad my lv17 didn’t die and undone

Console users having wait
 fine with that. enough bad updates have happen that i don’t mind waiting.

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As far as I’m concerned, if it makes Steam update my game, it’s an update. They didn’t say “a smaller content update”, they said “a smaller update”.

And yeah, they might have meant “a smaller content update” and just worded it poorly. But details like that matter a lot.