One of the only things that has kept many of us playing has been the Battlepass. It was items that we could pay a small price for, and it felt well worth the investment. Now what do we have? A FOMO, over-priced store where you’re waiting months for something to come back around to purchase. We have nothing worthwhile anymore.
First the combat massacre
Then the stack-split massacre
Then the terrible UI vverhaul
Removal of the Battlepass
One would think whoever is making these decisions are actively trying to kill what is left of this game. Do you know what message you sent players today?
‘Creating content for you is too much work and you’re not worth our time.’
One of the things that kept me from playing… was the battlepass.
Really glad its going away… most of items you get once, or free… lost a chunk of them do to crashes, or save issues. never got to use half potions from 1st run, since collecting it all crashed game. Lost them all…
Can’t admin panel them.
Spent so much time grinding dailies, when I wanted to move on to another game. But had to keep coming back and grinding to make sure I got my crom coins back.
Time spent on new spots, or things to do would be better then grinding dalies… granted new systems sorta fixed that.
But the daily limit sucks… got 3 weeklies nearly done… can’t risk finishing them since damn reset hasn’t kicked in yet.
The Battlepass was far better than the bazaar in term of price / content.
i wonder if the limited time event like the Sacred Hunt will be the new way to get new stuff?
I don’t mind not having a Battlepass, if that stuff gets added to the game as free content. If it just gets added to the Bazaar, without any price adjustments, then yeah, that’s a different story.
Do wonder why that survey asked us all about BP stuff and then just went “nah, nevermind”.
It’s gone. My X3 lure decayed today and I was planning to get 3 more bears but nope. Thankfully, I have two of those bears saved up. Still got 700 fangs left. Glad I bought everything I wanted.
I think the bigger concern is items that used to be on BP, for a reasonable price, will now be added to the BLB for the exorbitant prices we see there. Not having a BP isn’t a problem for me, but it does remove the more price-efficient model to get at least some stuff for the people interested in cosmetics but unable/unwilling to spend $20+ on a tiny set.
“No more battlepass” AKA “we took your money and ran LOL”
I stopped buying the trash this abysmal company pumps out before the Nemedian DLC, but the battle pass with its “earn your money back” mechanic was the only thing remotely worth throwing a few bucks at. I missed the first season or two, which is apparently when they released some of the best stuff, so not only did I miss that I also lose any future investment since they are discontinuing it.
Looking forward to the day the entire company is discontinued.
Play other games. Your in mood for something, then your not. But when a game got a battle pass/season, dalies… weeklies… you find yourself playing when your “done”
Doesn’t add to the fun.
Right now, Starfield got CK kit, waiting on Mods to update so I can play. Got bored of Cyberpunks 2.0 perk system… Elden Ring dlc is out… didn’t care to much for it.
Hogwarts Legacy got photo mode… not in mood to remember were I left off or restart.
Pal World got abit for next update… not uch to do there.
So here I’m playing Conan Exiles… Missed Season start… so here I’m trying to nail it out.
Battle Passes in general are not content… Just time fillers that pretend to be. Its abit of Fomo right now. Not much on it I want… but a few items, Not worth buying pass if I’m not getting coins back. Gotta make sure I nail it out.
dont believe it dead, they are updating it regullary. I think that the game is generating some revenue. What are killing the game are the bugs and cheaters and exploiters, on the server i play a PVE-C theres a clan of exploiter raiding every base on the ground just because they can, they onpenly told that their objective is to destroy the server, no matter how much they got banned they return with cheap accounts and continue doing the same because the bug and exploits still active for ages. A lot of people gave up, stopping to play or moving for private servers. I dont know it private server generate profit to the game but with a lot of mods may people buy less furnitures on bazaar.