Battlepass Dead? Game Is Dead

This is not a good idea, Funcom. @Community

Take this from primarily a lifelong businessman out for himself and his family since about 1996. My current business venture is in specialty textiles, which is definitely in the category of “discretionary spending.” There are forces activated and unwilling to spend right now. This is a deliberate strike vs all non-essential businesses, both small and large. I have studied it and following the news there is no other explanation for the anomaly in change of spending.

We all just have to get through this. By December, things will be back on track again. We all just have to get through this, with steady onward Progress.

Much love to you guys on the Team, and to my fellow players. I’m disappointed this didn’t work out.

As always, thank you @Sera67 for the heads-up on this subject.


Well, I’ll wait before getting angry.

If they get rid of BP so that we got really nice skins in events (and cool ones, not mindless grind fests …) , and OFTEN, then why not.

But if it’s just to put even more content in the bazaar at stupid prices and then give us a new free skin only every 6 month, hoping that this will calm us down, then … :man_facepalming: (Sadly, my bet is more on this formula…)

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The battlepass was removed because most ppl bought it once and got endless rewards since you got 1200 crom coins back. It was probably removed, so now they can sell those items for a total of 200$ in the bazaar. :rofl:
“The Next Age will not have a Battle Pass. Instead, … Bazaar will continue with new items and bundles.” all you need to know


You mean content, right?

All “skins” are content but not all content is skins.
I’ve come to the conclusion a lot of people have no idea what a “skin” actually is.

And the vendor in this age has eh stuff. Fire works oooooohh ahhhhhhh purdy.
A cage I haven’t found out if I can put some one in, and ornamentation. Nothing I’d log in to grind for.

Was speaking about the event rewards and potential small free stuff with the big updates, so mostly “skins” yes (armors, furnitures, this kind of thing) as the topic is about the BP and that almost all the stuff in BP was new racial themed skins. That’s why I used this word.

But of course I’m hoping for more real content too in the chapters updates (smalls and bigs.) Map additions, dungeons, new mechanics, QOL improvements (well, good and necessary ones please … -_-) well done events (and not only stupid grind fests as I said) etc

At least youre coming to the conclusion I told you, where the majority of players call these items skins.

One of my clanmates did not got a chance to spend it, he was trying to get all of the fangs to get all the rewards, but not announcing it will be over, or when new content would come was a terrible miss communication from funcom,

pretty sure we were all expecting an announcement, and a stream before new content will pop.

but its funcom, quite normal for them for erratic behaviour, not even sure if their decisions are emotional, or depending on how much alcohol are in their system.

they should have left an NPC that grants the rewards, so people can claim whtever they wanted.


Personally, I was mostly okay with the way BP worked. My main source of dislike for it was that there was no way for people who missed it to get that content, ever. I understand that the idea behind it was that people would have to come and play now, but that wouldn’t change by much if they decided to sell old BP content on Bazaar, for a higher price, 6 or 9 months after the BP.

In fact, I used to come back and play partly because of the BP. Not just because of the BP, but it was a “freebie” I could get while checking out the new content.

I’m not generally a doomsayer and I don’t go for “the game is dead” predictions. That said, I think that the removal of BP is bad news.

The purpose of BP wasn’t so much to make money directly, it was to drive the engagement. It was an incentive for people to play more regularly.

Getting rid of BP, while at the same time making the release cadence slower, seems like a further belt-tightening cost-cutting measure for Conan Exiles. I’m not criticizing the slower release cadence, by the way. On the contrary, I think it’s good, because it was quite clear they couldn’t keep up the tempo. But the slower cadence, the lack of commitment to hotfixes, and the removal of BP, when taken together, sounds like they’re putting Conan Exiles on the back burner.

It sounds like the next age is the Age of Maintenance :wink:


And that makes it right, how?
You do get it’s wrong to perpetuate misinformation, right?

Hang on to them :wink: I did my sorcerer skulls and such.



So it’s not just me going WTF…well I got some other games going for Dad day and I can just sit back and casually enjoy old stuff on CE then.


ya for at least 6 months, to get the items he was trying to get all the fangs needed to claim all of the rewards.

now he cant get anything until funcom adds the sacred hunt event again?

sorry not cool.

we all should have get heads up about when the event will be over. so people can decide if save em or spend em.

no excuse for such huge funcom stupidity.


@Hansel 100% agree with everything you said.

Pretty sure everyone thought the event was ending at the start of the new age.

They should have at bare minimum tweeted an end date.


We have a transmog system… so most of armor and weapons will be used as skins. XD

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I’m miffed, but it is what it is.

Kind of happy to see a Siptah plan on EL though even if it’s just cages.

i for one will welcome the age of maintenance.
i just want funcom to tighten up the bugs, get the game into a stable and solid state, and let us mod the shit out of it.
i like new content, but what we have been getting has been lackluster, and introduced more problems than the content was worth.
just give us a stable conan exiles please funcom!


The only problem is that the former doesn’t necessarily imply the latter :wink:

“Maintenance” is a euphemism for “keep this shіt running until it’s not worth doing even that” :smiley:

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yah it’s what i want, not what i’m gonna get :wink:


No Battlepass is really going to test the resolve of the community who generally think the Bazaar is overpriced. Many got away with buying a BP in Age of Sorcery Ch1 and simply rolling it over and over, skewing the results on the popularity of the BP.

But if crom coin purchases pick up after there is no BP and people are buying stuff from the Bazaar it will be a clear signal from the players that their monetization methods are working should they be meeting goals.

If you want to send a clear, concise, and irrefutable message about the bazaar, then the message is clear. Buy crom coin if you believe its fine, do not buy it if you do not. That means resisting sales as well.

As for the game being dead for a lack of Battlepass. That’s ridiculous sensationalism. I’m not even going to believe the rhetoric of “I only login to advance my battlepass”. Its been shown that the game wasn’t improved nor made worse by the inclusion of the battlepass, removing it won’t have any immediate effect on gameplay either. We MIGHT see some benefits in development going forward as they allocate resources. But this doesn’t change the core game.

You’re still going to be able to farm wood, stone, and iron. Knock out thralls. Kill bosses. Loot stuff. As well as build stuff. Just as we were before and after DLCs, just as we were before Battlepass, and we will after.


Event rewards you can craft and others can use.