Battlepass Dead? Game Is Dead

You can craft rewards from the last event and this event.

Doesnt. And I never made the claim, but you can now see how so many players refer to them as such, because its simpler and easier. Thats all.

Yeah, if that misinformation actually led to a negative impact on anything. People calling “assets” or “content” “skins” doesnt hurt anyone, just egos.

Look guys

It’s obvious that CE is getting quite old now. They try to sell it as an MMO now, but it’s not, never will be.

What we should ask instead of lamenting is
 a CE2! :slight_smile: yeah, what a prospect, you know. We just have to wait Dune out lol.

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I’m amazed they let it go this long. Many players ignored overpriced bazaar and instead had fun with essentially “free” cosmetics. I certainly won’t be returning if there is no new content at a reasonable price. Bring back DLC.


You’re right, nine times out of ten misusing technical lingo doesn’t make a difference. But then there’s that elusive one time out of ten, when the difference actually matters, because we’re actually discussing technical details. Getting it wrong in those occasions can lead you to draw wrong conclusions.

And that’s fine, we all get things wrong sometimes. What’s important is to accept when you’re actually wrong. Maybe insisting on the right usage of technical jargon is silly, but doubling down on your mistakes and parading them as a badge of pride is sillier.


I would be extremely skeptical of that logic. It has been almost 2 years since they implemented the “new” monetization. I doubt it took them 2 years to notice that the Battle Pass was eating into Bazaar sales.

For all the complaints on the forums about the Bazaar pricing, they haven’t actually lowered the prices at any point, which means that the Bazaar is meeting their revenue goals. So they most likely didn’t drop the Battle Pass because of the Bazaar.

As far as speculations go, it makes more sense to speculate they dropped the Battle Pass because of the cost.


Ya those “skins” :roll_eyes: are costly in man hours to make when they really aren’t making money.

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Agree to disagree.

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YUP it makes more sense for them to sell 6 items for 21 dollars than give 60 for 10

maths can make things simple.

i could especulate based on your good comments, than even when they are (most likely) meeting their revenue goals , there might be also an idea of what they can do to increase the revenue from it. and 
 that my friend could have played a part on their decision ( its all speculative i know)

if their revenue goal was $10, and they reach it consistently , wouldnt they want to make 15 next Quarter? and if 15 is reached, wouldnt they want to make 20?

to be less speculative:
now , for the money they are making
 i would also like to think that the product should also improve. get better 
 or have less issues

now facts : reality says they are most likely making a lot more than they used to make with the DLC model, yet, the quality of the product is 
 not there
 (to not use a stronger word) .

so revenue wise is going up but quality of the product going down? in my industry
 that is a formula for disaster

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The cage doors can be opened and shut. You can put thralls inside.

Hard to see here but the graphic on the dead woman’s tresses is spot on.

there is a siptah recipe you get, its not the same?

Im not debating the right or wrong use of the term.

I said you are starting to see how many people call them skins, due to the fact its easier and everyone knows what is meant when they say it. Sure, everyone is wrong. But they all know what is meant when they say skins

It’s not the same, no.

Oof, here i was returning to the game and actually enjoying the new iteration of the BP. So far it’ll only have been two BPs i completed, then. Mostly due to a lack of time to complete most of the ones before the current one.

Then there’s the content ages bring of which half of it seems to come and go, and events that are (in my opinion) too grindy for the short-lived novelty gameplay loop they introduce.

I really just wish they’d create more actual permanent content, and maybe have seasonal events in which MORE of a certain activity spreads throughout the map instead of introducing content, and then fully taking it out.

Not to mention the generally unpolished state of some early game story elements, such as the pirate queen that has no spoken dialogue, Gilzahn that says the exact same thing in both locations or how Conan himself will always be looking for Razma of Shem, though the player might know.

A lot of effort for temporary things, with a lot of permanent pieces of the game still glaringly unfinished and unpolished. A shame, really.

The bazaar is honestly just too much for me, i own all DLCs and had great fun with each and every one of them but the bazaar just asks too much for what is essentially mostly incomplete bundles for thematic playstyles. The only thing i own from it is a bush, which i feel like was too expensive and only worth it because the game offers no alternative and it was still below a hard impulsive spending threshold i have as a person.

I genuinely don’t feel like they are taking the right decisions with this game when it comes to content development. Every game nowadays has bugs they’ll never get rid of, but the way some big meaningful encounters break immersion within this game through sheer deviation from the standard it clearly intended, and are just left dangling like this

From the perspective of a purely PvE player that just likes exploring this Conan flavoured universe i have to say, engagement largely boils down to a certain amount of catharsis i get from part of the survival game formula, and the enjoyment and appreciation of exploration to the smallest details.

The BP and DLCs only helped to introduce a full style to do a once-over of that same loop.
With that gone, content introduced by Ages and events coming and going and being too grindy to enjoy the spoils means there won’t be much new to try even in that sense, or share with prospective new players.

All in all, i really hope they have some kind of plan for new story driven content or some expansive theme for players to immerse themselves in. Currently i see no reason to buy new things under the bazaar model, or return for seasonal events other than to have a quick look. The BP combined with the new ages were at least a kick in the rear to have a look at everything long enough, and check in on the progress of the game.

Mod support and crossplay for console would help immensely too, of course. Highly unlikely that’ll happen and a while different discussion, though.


It’s ok to be wrong.

If you take a random sample of 1000 gamers, from people who have just started to ten year veterans, and show them examples of what people refer to as skins, the extreme vast majority will call them skins.

You can still sit there and call them all wrong, and that’s fine, but that’s how people describe them.

I already admitted that on the other thread which is precisely why there’s no need to get into that debate again. You’re trying to dig into a conversation that doesn’t need to happen and I don’t know why.

This was purely about the fact that many people call items skins. No more, no less.


And for the simple fact that if I went into a 30 second technical breakdown of what exactly the proper description of something is, people will have the blank stare because they have no idea what the hell id be talking about. Saying “skin” is akin to slang. It’s not proper language but everyone knows what it means.

Well, the guy above shares my opinion. As have others on the forum. As have thousands of other gamers.

No one cares.

Point out where I’m arguing that?

Yes. Now, take those 1000 gamers from the sample above and show them the new events in Conan, the dungeons etc on one slide. Then show them the stuff from the BLB and BP. If you ask them which is “content”, they will point to the first slide, because they see the rest as “skins”

It’s all content. Yes.

But people understand it a different way. The majority of people. And like I pointed out in my first comment before you went on this wild tangent,

You’re starting to see more people refer to the items as skins.

It’s that simple.

Heh. We found the single person who likes battlepasses.

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I liked it, too, at least when compared to the shop. Give them 10 $ for me getting unlimited stuff as long as I play the game? Count me on board!

Have me shovel dead bodies into the sewer on my second job to earn money to buy virtual stuff for real world money? And lots of real world money? Man, I do love shoveling bodies into the sewers, but I don’t like it that much.


You are. Across different topics on the forums, derailing them with pointless discussions because you just have to prove you’re “right” about “skins”. Not to mention in the thread where it started, where you used it wrong where it actually mattered and had to be given a lot of detail about the difference before you grudgingly acknowledged that it wasn’t the right usage and then proceeded to keep using it in that thread.

So yeah, I would say that your pointless crusade to vindicate your misuse of the term is somewhat worse than @DeaconElie’s pointless crusade to make sure everyone always uses it right even when it doesn’t matter.

That said, I’ll pull a Mercutio and flag all of your off-topic shіt here. If the thread gets closed because of that, well, maybe next time the two of you will learn some basic self-control.