Battlepass Dead? Game Is Dead

I for one,
will not miss battle pass.


Jag one was
 your get 1-2 fangs, and 1 or 2 if your lucky from bag if your lucky. You find 1 enemy at night
 Thou, “events” never spawned for me. It was pretty dull.

Sorc Event, most of locations have Sorc near carts to drag to, and pay is decent for live ones.
Sorc are all over for skull collecting.
Most of Events spawn during this one, Grave Matters at Summing Pit and P-Bay, Been something to do.

Havnt seen egg one in forever.

I think alot of people are in this boat
 prices, bad rotation.
I keep getting load screen for Dark Castle one, which has cool looking sewer tunnels. Never up
 its trying to build up fomo. By time it comes around, I’m not gonna care. XD

I kinda wish they took page from Fallout 76 at this point. Alot of store is up, and select stuff rotates. Preferbly there prices.


In fact, we had a Battle Pass subscription, which tugged at our FOMO, but was an inexpensive gaming analog to an expensive and useless Bazaar.
Those who rejoice at the deactivation of the Battle Pass and say that they were in the way
 Doesn’t the Bazaar bother you? Overpriced Bazaar has remained - how will you continue to live with it, lol?

Sacred hunting? It is a stupid boring unnecessary grind, the prizes for which the character gets, not the account. It totally sucks.

P.S.: Funcom could activate a goodwill gesture and let all the acts of getting the Battle Pass go round in a circle so that players who don’t have parts 1, 2 or 3 can get them. And someone might have noticed that they have the last round and there will be no further Battle Pass. But no, they won’t do that, they’re too greedy for that.

/sorry my bad English/


Rotating the previous battlepasses would have been a really good solution.


I honestly thought that is what they would do once the new ages ended and we went to reruns.


it will very easy for me to live with the bazaar. i will continue not buying things from it. not spending money is a very easy thing to do.


I may be a minority on this one, but I was saddened to heard that the Battle Pass was being retired. Three reasons come to mind for me. The first was that they were probably my largest source of new content, surpassing the free content updates. They each also told a compelling story through their storyboards. And finally, they gave us something else to do when we did not know what else to do, and it was another activity we could partake in. While I understand that it may have proved a resource drain to some extent, we are now making the shift to 6 monthly Chapters (which for the record I support). Now I can understand the challenges and constraints of a 3 monthly battle pass, but do they honestly mean to tell us that 1 battle pass every 6 months is too much to handle!? And you know what, if the answer truly is a ‘yes’, then that really bespeaks volumes about the size of the crew that remains working on Conan Exiles now, as does the 2 fixes offered in this update. But I digress.

Permit me to strap my tinfoil hat on for the moment and speculate out loud. I sense the recent survey results and bazaar sales may have painted a grim picture. People have been obtaining some roughly 50 free* items from each battle pass, and if most of them have been rolling their funds over, it only cost them a one off investment of $15 (depending where you live). No, this is at least partially a move to push players to buy bazaar content as opposed to the free* battle pass content we have been enjoying. And you know what, I will not speak for anyone else, but it is just not going to work for me. I simply will not, and cannot afford to pay the prices they are asking. Here is a prime example, take the recent ironically named ‘Banquet’ pack. It is one table and one chair for 1,260 CC, or $15.68 in my country for 2 items!

I am sorry, but I will not pay their asking prices. My wallet remains closed.


And like I said in my first post, now you see how many people refer to the items as skins. Case closed.

True words.
I could. Shoveling corpses pays good money. But I won’t. For 15 $, you can buy a complete game of Conan Exiles’ quality and age, or possibly better.
If it takes that much effort to design these items, it’s not economically viable to sell them. If the price is caused by overblown profit margins, it’s neither honorable nor long-term viable to do so.
I have zero problems with giving Funcom money. Even a lot of money. But please, offer us equivalent content for that. Avoid specialty items that hardly anyone will use or buy. Give the people what they want - new dungeons, a map extension, Telith’s Ghost, whatever. But not a painted vase with a bigger price tag than an actual painted vase.


Hit the nail right on the head there @Khaletohep.


In other games I’ve played with passes the free content was low man hours, most were literally skins. Just retextured existing content. As in the exact same military uniform in different camos.

Some is just innocuous trinkets, like zipper fob characters; oohhhh I got to have all 9 diver Bob fobs.

I honestly expected Conan’s battle pass content to be less detailed, more generic. I didn’t see how they could keep it up and basically give the passes away.

One of the drums I beat is the no refunds drum. I now have 2600 croms just setting there I could be spending. All funcom has to do to get my money is to guarantee their content.

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Nem, dude. You could have not beat the dead horse and said nothing. Or you could have done the right thing and kindly correct them.

But no. You just couldn’t resist. Just like your twin can’t resist. You’re both insufferable.

Now, how about we relax, take a sip of our drinks and think about what the BP removal means?

Is this the death knell? I don’t know. I won’t pretend that it doesn’t alarm me or that I’ve mentioned some presuppositions.

I’d like to think that it is simply a realization of too much work on the team and a shift to focus on QA is truly the goal. But I believe that for every move there is a catch which has already been discussed at length here, other posts and places.


Oh now that is just a personal attack :wink:

Agreed, it does feel like i barely ever see events at most places anymore. The last one i witnessed, several times, has been the storm in Sepermeru with the Avatar of Bokruk or w/e its exact name is.

The sorcerer event was a bit odd to me with how easy it was, but a lot of the smaller triggered events did seem to function well on officials back then. The event on the bridge towards the Silent Legion dungeon, the random-ish surges with elder things near the newbie river

I haven’t seen any of those in a long, long time to the point where i wonder if they’re still possible to trigger at all on officials.

From what i understood back then it was a matter of number of active events on the map and whether someone is near enough to trigger it.
But even when alone on an official for a few hours i struggle to find any of those.

Agreed on the Fallout 76 model. I don’t see Funcom changing how their pricing and in game currency is for something similar, though.

There’s a lot of games i’ve put money into i could compare the bazaar specifically with, and CE sadly has some of the most baffling pricing with no alternative to earn the currency required.

Even the shiney gobbledygook that is Black Desert Online still allowed you alternatives to just outright giving them money for the dubiously diverse plethora of things you could purchase.
And they’re known for being very money hungry.

Or looking at Hunt: Showdown; very high pricing for a lot of things that are annoyingly bundled to increase the price— but you can earn currency through weeklies, dailies and serendipity within matches. Which does add up.

Funcom really missed out i feel by not introducing some way to have the player get a small trickle of Crom coins if they insist on these prices.

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Wait , you think having 2600 croms sitting there not spent means funcom doesn’t get your money ?
So let’s say if instead of calling those 2600 things you have crom coins , we called it , fugazzi , or fairy dust 
 would you still think the same ?

the only other thing I can think of that would make at least a bit of sense is if your thoughts are more , if you don’t spend those 2600 cc that you won’t buy more therefore funcom doesn’t get “more” money out of you ( other than the money they already have taken trom you)

Cause there is nothing else you can do with these crom coins .

Also don’t forget inflation of real money , witch can be reflected in game with Crom coin inflation meaning sitting on them for elongated time would end up in you having less bazaar items for the same amount . But at the same time if they don’t reflect inflation on crom coins you’de be better off keeping them for elongated times ( but I somehow doubt that the latter would be the case :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: )

anyways funcom already has your money and keeping croms coins has no effect whatsoever on them . for you though only future can tell

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So if something that you have an opinion on is called a “minority opinion”, and you can present the idea or fact that it is indeed shared by many others, would you not point it out?

Maybe you dont. I do. I have no problem saying (especially to the one who is on the opposite side of the discussion) “Hey look, more people that think along the lines like me, I guess Im not the only one”.

Honestly, it doesnt matter what we think or want of it, Funcom will never change their minds on anything relating to their finances. All we can do is discuss why they are doing it, and I agree with you that its too much on their plate. They cant keep up to the 3 month cycles to create new battle passes. So, they are scrapping them in the name of “focusing efforts elsewere”

That tells me their desire to keep adding and improving Conan is slowly coming to an end. I imagine in the near future we will only see the events being cycled every few months as well and the BLB items being cycled.

The changes could be that support for Conan is winding down due to the age of the game, staff being put on other projects, lacklustre sales in the BLB / BP. The patch did absolutely nothing in terms of motivating me to play Conan beyond the 5 minutes to check the Bazaar for older content to rotate back in. Still waiting for the Pictish Rite bundle and just the bookshelves from the Nemedian library.


No I’ve been saying right along I wont shop the bazaar because funcom lacks confidence in the quality of their content. But now I have 2600 crom just setting and waiting, as in not ear marked for the next pass.

Not doing anything with them is something :wink:

It’s more about not supporting the buyer beware policy then the croms.

Havnt seen any of events at Sepemurarruurururururu.

I know in single player, only 1 can be up. I have small list of locations, and admin teleport about. Don’t find one
 log out and back in and retry. Can often get them back to back that way.

Pretty sure I’m missing locations
 been hard to find a good list
 (or itlest one with good pictures)

As for Fallout 76. I gotta repeat myself.
I give Fallout 76 my money
 I give nothing to CE
 Hint Hint Funcom.

Well Bethesda/Zenimax have a more experienced crew even though Microsoft owns them now. CE would have done better in MS’s hands.

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