Bazaar items, stagger the length of availability

There are six items available in the Bazaar. All, currently, are on the same timer. Perhaps we can stagger the timers so that checking the Bazaar every couple of days has a purpose.

My thought is that the featured item is the two weeks, a few other items a week, and one or two items are 3-4 days. The shorter availability items can repopulate in the bazaar during the season.

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I think that the timers in the bazaar are all running out at the same time has something to do with the shop being updated in early December for chapter 2. I am sure that after that there will be the usual different timers for each category

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Here’s hoping.

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The timers are already staggered. 21 days for featured items, 14 days for mid tier and 7 days for stuff like war paint. The current timers are synced due to Chapter 1 drawing to a close

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Unless Season 2 starts in 18 hours rather than the 5 days indicated, they are currently out of sync.

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The Bazaar system needs an entire new overhaul. This is the reason I will not buy one thing from it

The system is fine. The prices are not.

And as Dennis said on the latest stream, after three months of collecting evidence, they now have actual data, rather than forum comments, on what people are actually buying, so they can use that data to adjust their pricing.


Thanks for letting me know. Perhaps one day I will be able to buy

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