The other day. June 4th 2024
I purchased in the Bazzar a arcane frame set. It says it cokes woth a wall and door frame, a door and a motif.
It was 70 coins for this purchase. It was one of the daily changing ones (24 hour box) so only available june 4th
Upon purchasing i find i only received the wall frame and the motif.
No door frame and no door
I reset the game full log our and back in. Still not there.
I then logged put my account and back in. Still not there.
So i filled a purchase issue report from in game. They suggested a full re download. So i did this.
Still not there
I message them back to let them know ot hasnt worked and now they wont answer me back.
Now my son bought the same thing i did just a few minutes afyer i did bc we were playing together him on his console me on mine. He had the same issue. He found it befkre me bc well i biy things then look at them 10 mins later. He jumps roght in to them. Smart guy. But yh same issue half the purchase. A wall frame and a motif. No door no door frame
I took to facebook ps4 conan groups to see if others have had the same issue with that purchase onthat day, ando g shot but 4 ppl did come forward with screen shots showing the same issue i had. They didnt receive their full purchase.
only a motif and a wall frame.
Others on different consoles at different times that day from different parts of the world same issue.
2 pictures of the purchase and my knowledge area showing i dont have what was stated. Not the best pics. Took with phone. Not sure how to get my ps4 screenshots to my phone. But they show it well enough.
That is a bug issue. We want the rest of our purchase or a refund 8 dont care if its just 70 coins when purchases get messed up you make them right. Long as we work that out we are sqaure. I understand bugs happen but make it right please. My son is more upset then me. He loves buildingbwth everything and here he cant use what he bought.
Anyone else have a issue with that purchase not showingbup fully or any other ourchase only giving part of the purchase?