Bearer Thrall HP

I love autocorrect :rofl:


Yeah. I read that with a blush.


I also don’t get the reasoning behind these changes.
I also have bearers with only 400 up to 4k health. Sometimes even THE SAME thralls end up extremely different. One of my Dono‘the-blabla has 400 health lvl 15 one has 2k at lvl 13 :man_shrugging:

I hope this revamp/reworking/bullsh¡tery won’t remain just as unfinished as the pet rebalancing…

… ffs



This thread has given me a few chuckles now


Yes,i know,for singleplayer some changes sounds as weirds as a skunk in a perfumery or as a donkey in a dance hall.
I have died many times,cimmerians level 1 carpenter with a maze and that dangerous “black death superkombo”,3 black corsairs III around you…stygian archers III and fighters I,II or III all together as a bitch…flames from dragons in grey ones pool…and help from companions comes handly…
But still have this:
T4 Bearers:Puff!!!

T1,T2 and T3 bearers:Some will surprise you

T1,T2 and T3 fighters:Same as bearers…more than 9000 HP life,it´s ok

Bersekers:At medium

Ulrich:One of the best

T4 fighters:There are a lot of them

I think,adverage in-game,is weirdly randomized,random function is not good scripted…percentages with recipes is weird,a lot of repeated recipes,playing with no administrative privileges…to have every food recipe is a lot of time…stats for thralls when you pick them up from wheel of pain,is weird,i´ve tried with stygians taskmasters,T3 and T4,cimmerians…there is no way to observe or to check what does what…maybe some food or even Iria from Zamora can give better agility stats for Bersekers,also Stygian T3 taskmasters too,cimmerian taskmaster give them more vitality and strenght…i don´t know,the only thing you can be sure is when taskmasters are crafting truncheons…duravility or weight…
If you save them from cages,is weird too,not a sigle one will have all stats over 60-70% probability to raise in everything,more strengh,less life,and things like that…i know,is for to have an adverage thralls and make them more equal between them but some “really best thralls than others,could be cool”
I level up thralls giving them food,eating food,not healing food or food raising stats or percentages…i know,probably it does nothing…but i give them food with salt,honey and spice,and ron,whiskey,etc…cimmerians don´t like acohol,just hydromiel…well,some like pirate´s drinks…
I put them a medium armour,i think if you put them higher stats,they will raise less than with a normal weapon or normal suit…if you uses a legendary weapon and a heavy suit,red numbers will appear easily and you will see no cool stats…i used to raise them normaly,without server privileges,a few weeks ago,i finaly used server and administrative privileges,a heavy suit,the best armour,and the best weapon…it looks like they raise but not so much,really there´s no way to check a correct promedium…
And…YES,i prefer previous versions and bearers with streght and life and agility and grit and,and,and…for multiplayer,too.

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That is Funcom’s idea as it has been very clear over the implementation of the Age / Chapter system. Yet…what is an open world sandbox game? :thinking:

A sandbox game is a video game with a gameplay element that provides players a great degree of creativity to interact with, usually without any predetermined goal, or alternatively with a goal that the players set for themselves. Such games may lack any objective,

Oh right, silly me. It is exactly the OPPOSITE of what the devs have been doing with Conan Exiles as of late. :rofl: How could I have forgotten something like that.



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They really should change it back from before. What the hell were the devs thinking tampering what was ok to begin with? Donothelpup T4 a named bearer has less health than a T3 bearer and Packrat Ortha has 65 hp :rofl: despite being a named T4 relic hunter bearer.


I suspect someone made a little typo in the database when editing bearer hitpoints.

But, until that one is corrected, I have a challenge for people: get a Packrat Ortha, and level her to 20 without getting her killed. I recommend having her wear hitpoint-increasing armor for the first few levels.

A T4 bearer is enough to cause the opposition to respawn, again! These are fun. :innocent:

If you really want it to be a challenge make it only coarse fiber bindings! :open_mouth: OK sure, one hit they are dead but remember, they are DBNO now! Right??? Right? :roll_eyes:

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Does that (DBNO) mean one more truncheon hit will let us rope it? :thinking: I mean like it becomes the standard way of doing it – knocking out thralls, rope, drag then place. Can I buy a functional caravan through the bazaar? :crazy_face: :smile:

And, then there is this.

A T1 Noob River class Bearer with nearly twice the starting HP as a T4.

I remember the days when, as you progressed north, the thralls got tougher.

but, apparently, that was because we are playing the game wrong and now, everything is perfect.


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I think the biggest incontinency with Bearers is that their tribe doesn’t match the area. I think this was originally intended to be a reference to the fact that bearers are slaves taken by the faction they spawn with and not apart of it.

So you’ll get Exiled Bearers in high level areas, and Higher tier tribe bearers in Exile camps. A bearer spawn can spawn in pretty much anything.

I think they should fix the spawns so the bearers match the tribe they are in and thus you don’t end up with crazy high/low tiers in the wrong areas.

I’m pretty sure they already did that shortly after they broke “communities” and bearers were being killed in the camp they spawned in. I certainly haven’t seen bearers in opposite faction camps in quite awhile.

In exiles land you can find a Vanir bearer at darfari camp,if i don´t remember bad,a zingarian bearer or other tribes in cimmerian camp,and you can find a lot of different tribes in sempermeru…
In isle of spitah the only way to catch some bearers are from stygian raid new purgue and leyshrine storm purgue,.
You can find T4 bearers from cages…there are a few cages i know that will spawn T4 bearers,no tribe specified,just adventurers…what is so dificult is to find T4 bearers at camps;Blacksmith,carpenters,smellters,etc are difficult but you can get them in some places,the tribe or faction is the camp tribe…

I forget some warriors and that nasty stats reduction…

They were over 4,5 or 6 thousand HP points before were downgraded by Kommander Funnycom.

They were not at the barracks on the day of the events,she can still raise some levels to get better stats.

Worst ever,there´s no way to raise him up.

“”“Beaten down ones and a survivor—Conan exiles chapter 8"”"

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