That’s with Hallowed, Robust and Fit perks.
Bearer are weakended in Chapter 4. Why? I don´t know.
someone probably thought it was too hard to have to spend 30 sec to kill a thrall.
Nerfed to pet statues.
I assume they want us to set bearers run, not fight.
Yeah, I confirm this. Wanted to create new topic about this, but I waited if other people will have the same issue.
My lvl 20 bearer had something around 8k HP before update, and after he has only 4080 or something like that. He was supposed to have more than 4k HP from default, on lvl 0 and now he has just a bit more when fully leveled. I am curious how will be bearer’s starting HP now.
I think this as well, they nerfed the last worthy thing in thralls - those who can be tanks and actually can endure few hits, unlike the normal fighters, who might do some dmg, but can’t help you with larger groups of human enemies.
well 30sec lfie duration of a thrall (or even less is not my definition of a tank ) but yes you are correct they did it to make totally useless bearer.
And now I replaced him, and he physically disappeared. Follower list is showing him in that place, but he is invisible and I can not interact with him. :')
Tried rescuing him, I got the info note “he was rescued”, but he is nowhere to be seen.
Because they thought we’d confuse bearers and fighters when trying to decide which thrall to have follow us.m
Here’s the post from Dennis: Bearer (Sherpa) Health cut in half in Ch 4 - #15 by den
Thanks for reposting this, I had no idea.
Well tbh, the bearer’s uninentional high HP was nonexistent problem imo. People were not using them to fight their fights for them, just for them to tank a bit and distract enemies. They have and always had very poor dmg multiplier anyways, so why nerf them even more?
It’s not true that people would confuse “real fighters” with bearers, which are no fighters - monsters wont even aggro them after first player’s attack, because actively fighting player will always do way more dmg than bearers. Now they won’t even endure those mentioned 30 seconds, just like any other “real fighter” thrall, or how Dennis called the others - all nerfed with each new chapter. First Cannibal Brute, now Lian, so berserkers are the “best” choice now.
Yep totally agree. All comments and attempts at discussion regarding this fact were left unanswered in that thread. It’s really unfortunate that this game is currently in the cycle of parroting the “we’re listening to feedback” but all the feedback they received this chapter (inventory split, bearer health, sword of Crom stats, etc, etc) went live exactly as designed without any indication that feedback was actually considered.
I have many top tier fighters with more hp than top tier bearers (I guess with perks they still have a little more, potentially), and they do 4x the damage or more. Makes sense! Totally worth the tradeoffs for a few inventory slots, totally.
Incoming nerf camel threads like we used to see every other week about horses.
I agree, this stinks for people who used bearers as tanks.
It’s funny though that nobody complained last chapter when they made Tier 4 bearers worse than Tier 3 ones.
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