Benches/thralls/chests and items disappeared

Game mode: * Official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PVE
Region: EU
Hardware: Xbox one X

Bug Description:

I logged in and at least 6 benches along with their thralls disappeared. at least 6 chests disappeared. Bed Disappeared. Many items gone. The benches around them are still there.

Expected Behavior:

The benches/thralls/items not to disappear.

Steps to Reproduce:

I logged off less than 24 hours ago and everything existed. Now I logged on and it’s gone.

Are these items placed on the Derketo DLC stage pieces by any chance?

The recent update introduced a known issue with the stage pieces…?

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No, they were on the ground next to each other.


Plot thickens.

Sorry mate, I’m out of ideas.

Appreciate the reply nonetheless. I have a feeling I will not see the items returned and therefore am done playing. So many hours spent gathering. Oh well, good journey to you.

What does your event log say?

It says nothing accept when the server resets…

When you check your event log, is the “Building System” checkbox checked or unchecked? Also, are you checking your event log close to where those items used to be or are you far away from that spot?

I just checked. I have all boxes checked and am right next to spot where things disappeared. It shows only activity for past 2 days. All it says below it is “Server Started” Server Shutdown" for the past 21 days. I have done many things in the past 21 days that don’t even show up.

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Thanks for providing the info. I have no idea what might have caused that, but now at least Funcom will not ask you to check your event log when they read this.

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Thank you kindly.

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