BETA - Exiles Camp 01 in E4 is not spawning NPCs in Single Player or Multiplayer

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Exiles Camp 01 in E4 is not spawning NPCs in Single Player or Multiplayer.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Travel along the river at the starting desert spawn area
  2. Notice that the normal 3 NPCs who inhabit this camp are missing
  3. Go by many times over weeks and see they do not show up

Wiki states that there are supposed to be 3 bedrolls, while I cannot remember this I’ll defer to the Wiki on that. There’s now only 1.

funcom should be pay you for reporting all these bugs :laughing:

I also cleared all the rocks, branches, plants and destroyed the wooden chest. There’s no indication that this is deliberate.

ROFL well… this is certainly an exercise in giving.

Problem is with all of this, MANY of the bugs I’ve reported are pre-existing and HAVE been reported already. Much of it should have already been addressed AFAIAC.

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Someone forgot to hit the respawn button after the hunt was over. Every camp that the Jeble Sag people where at has none. Lol

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Oh I’ll have to take a look at those too… sigh

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