BETA - Item will not move from inventory

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Item will not move from inventory.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Access character alone, within benches or storage inventories
  2. Double click or drag and drop to move items from Inventory to re-equip onto character or hotbar, move into benches or store within chests or any receptacle
  3. Notice that item will instantly sling back into the inventory it was being moved from

This is random, it does not happen all the time and will happen with different sort modes but mostly in Heaviest First. This is the first time I’m experiencing it and the only change was adding a Tavern Bar.

I’m not very happy about having to make videos -_- It is a PITA! I realize it is my choice to test and make reports but they’re already so time consuming. But here is the damn thing. I’ll only complain this once in a report but for real, it’s not fun.

This issue was pre-existing.


In addition to this bug by now what seems to be presented with a Tavern Bar, I’m experiencing falling through my base upon relog and respawn. I’m not stuck and when everything is done loading I pop up to my bed and am able to move about normally.

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This bug exists some time now, it started on one Siptah server for me, then in a private server and now it spreads like plague to all my sessions. In most of my sessions the workaround “not shorted” is the key, but it’s annoying, Very annoying!!!

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Do you have a Tavern Bar?

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In my case i don’t think it was related, because this bug was happening from the very beginning of the character creation, imagine about half hour ago after i create the new character.

I’m sorting and dropping from a run and I just witnessed a stack of Feral Flesh I’d dropped about 30 seconds before, after opening and closing inventory multiple times, appear back in my inventory. Like it was slinging back in.

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