I cannot move items into my hotbar, the game is completely ruined now

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Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: I do not know
Mods: None

Bug Description:

When I put items in my hotbar they instantly move back into my inventory. I cannot play the game at all because I cannot put items in my hotbar. I have tried killing myself, restarting the server, restarting my game, reset my character, swapped sort modes in inventory, changed server settings to harder difficulty, killed myself on harder difficulty to force inventory drop. Nothing has worked and nothing is fixing the issue which means the game is completely unplayable and the server I paid for is useless for me.

Bug Reproduction:

I have no idea

Same Problem

While this isn’t any sort of solution, just a workaround - several other players reporting the same sorts of problems have found that they can get things to work if they switch their inventory sorting to ‘No Sort’. (If having problems placing items into chests, it may similarly be necessary to switch both inventories to ‘No Sort’.)

It seems that when Funcom made their unnecessary and unwanted changes to the inventory system, they also didn’t make the new system work… Hopefully this helps to allow you to actually play the game.

I have done some more tinkering on this. The no sort stuff also did not fix it.

I initially encountered the issue after playing on my own private PVE server, once I encountered it I noticed it was also affecting my solo play throughs so I actually cant even play the game anymore.

Here is a list of things I have tried:

  • Moving items to the ground, a thrall, a chest, and dragging them back and forth, trying to drag them from loot crate directly to hotbar, etc.
  • Tried moving items from inventory to hotbar using double click.
  • Tried the above steps with different inventory sorting settings.
  • Tried killing myself using mobs
  • Changed game settings from easy to normal and killed myself with mobs and bracelet to try and reset inventory.
  • Tried removing my bracelet
  • Tried resetting my character
  • Tried resetting my private server
  • Ran a repair and converted private server to original game files (never had any mods or changes to begin with and ran the server fully vanilla and default)
  • Uninstalled the game and reinstalled

I’m really sorry to read that - I had hoped it would work for you. Hopefully the community team may have some other ideas to track down the problem.

I presume that ‘ran a repair’ includes verifying the files on steam? And anyway, I would think the full reinstall would cover that. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to help.

Tried loading up say, single player for example first? Check to see if the issue occurs there, then loading up your regular go to server?

It happens in solo plays and official servers. Uninstalling the game and reinstalling the game did not fix it. I even verified the full uninstallation of all cloud and local files and reinstalled on a separate steam library on a different HDD.

One more reason why they needed to roll back the last few updates. The game is unplayable for some people due to bugs and issues. Rolling back the broken updates would have been an instant fix. Funcom dropped the ball. Down a cliff. Into lava.

Greetings @cjorun ,

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Can you, please, send us your logs as well as video where our development can verify the reported behavior?

You can send us a private message with the logs if you prefer.

Thank you in advance!

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