BETA - Stuck facing one way after using a tool

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Public Test Server
Mods: None

Bug Description:

While using any tool to gather resources, character will get stuck facing whatever way they were while using the tool.

Bug Reproduction:

  1. Use a tool such as a pick on stone
  2. Fully farm node
  3. Go to move away, any direction, and character will be stuck in same direction they’d been facing while farming
  4. Roll or climb to get out of facing stance

I don’t have a video.That is beyond my capabilities at this time.

This issue was pre-existing.


Confirmed as an issue on my beta server.


This has been a bug since Age of War 2


How you click?How many times i mean.
Click,click,click…or click,space,click,…following the rythm of the pickaxe.
Do you push left or right trying to move without finishing the last hit.
I have the same problem,and i think is something about this.
If you jump and then turn to the wall direction to slide down,sometimes happens the same.If you turn fast the hand while is pressed some other key.
Hitting enemies happens the same.
Maybe is a readjust of cursor hud,maybe something has change to make controllers better,i play with keyboard and mouse and have notice this.
In middle of a fight is really a nuisance.

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It’s a bug that comes and goes since the beginning, hopefully all these years has the same workarounds.


Um… What if a person just holds the mouse button? :thinking: It would never occur to me to be clicking that much when farming. :smiley:

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Confirmed as a pre-existing issue in singleplayer (PC)


i do,click,click,click,click…the axe or pick axe goes at his rythm,i sometimes try to turn before farming animation is finish…sometimes gets stucked…i think is something about that…click,little wait until axe finish,click,little wait until axe finish,click,little wait until axe finish…it looks like don´t get stucked again

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I hold and stay in place while farming.

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