Game mode: [Enter game mode here: (Online private | Single-player)] Type of issue: [Enter one of the following: [Bug | Performance] Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE] Region: [Single-player and Private-Servers]
I’m currently playing SP And the bug has happened yet again, my character is locked facing forward and all attacks and harvest attempts are locked accordingly. I’ve seen other posts and through experiences the only fixes are chance based fixes, re-logging is 50/50 and suicide is also 50/50, I’m late game so the issue isn’t fatal for me but highly annoying, the only way I can harvest low resources is to time crouches perfectly to hit resources normally too low. I have built at the volcano and have to wildly attack until snakes use their attack that lifts themselves higher from the ground, luckily it only takes one hit to kill them and they do minuscule damage.
On the 3 I was able to find only one had a single reply from staff and it was only about how they would look into it, has it been looked into yet? It’s been a year since that reply and still not been fixed, I only state this due to every post regarding this bug being closed without a fix or non chance-based solution, that is only a temporary fix outside of never logging out.
The adress to the post I’m referencing is: h ttps://
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Frustrating, @Zantalar, I know. Not all players experience this so tracking down the root cause would be difficult.
If you want to see where this issue stands with the developers, click here.
I personally hope it gets the attention it deserves, but fear it may be somewhat after those problems that keep people from even playing the game, i.e. disconnects, severe lag, inability to even log in.
Good luck with it and I am glad you at least (most?) have a 50% chance of working around it.
Yes, it’s more of a bug for new players that don’t have the gear to deal with it, after 3 re-logs it still persisted so I dropped a bedroll in my base and suicided, now it’s fixed. I tend to play and listen to videos for hours when not working so once fixed It’s not an issue as I’m good at surviving. I too would like for it to be fixed but you are right, the other bugs you listed should take priority. I hope they can get down to fixing this one as it’s requirement of fixing is extraordinarily aggravating and only temporary.
We’re aware of this issue. It’s not prioritized, but it’s been finally reproduced internally and we’re aware of it. It’s been quite difficult to do so reliably, as it’s proven to be quite an elusive bug.
Yes, hard to reproduce, but a very nasty bug when it is hitting a character.
It happened twice to me.
The two characters hit by this bug was all two created by family-share, to do some testing on my test server.
Then all two character had chosed Ymir as god, and used a ice-tool before the bug occured.
This may by hazard, or a clue, i don’t know.
Like said, impossible to reproduce, so still a speculation.