Blood Crystal: separating stack makes it unusable for dungeon

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

If you have a stack of 62 or more blood crystals, and you separate it to make a stack of 30, that stack of 30 can not be used to activate the portal in the Mek-kamoses’s spire.
(this is the lowest value I could get for the bug to happen. but it can also happen with, for example, a stack of 300, divide it in half, and neither of the stacks of 150 can be used)

Bug Reproduction:

Get a stack of 62 (or more) blood crystals (I spawned them via admin panel). Make a stack of exactly 30 blood crystals with the stack of 62. Place the stack of 30 in the “Transportory Stone” at “Mek-kamoses’s spire”. The “Ignite” recipe can not be crafted with that stack.

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I found the problem: I was over encumbered! That’s why I couldn’t activate the ritual.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


how can i get blood crystal without using admin mode, where are the rocknoises of blood crystal?

You can use the “detect resources” spell to find the new bloodcrystal rocknoses and golems (they show a red glow).
So far I’ve found a golem on the volcano, between the “Shrine of the Oracle” and the volcano obelisk.


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