Boss remains unreachable when it's about 1/3 hp

Game version: Current
Type of issue: Bug
Mods: [ Are mods installed: No ]

Bug Description:

ive played through incaustis twice now and both times the boss just refused to become solid again after it reached about 1/3 hp.


For crash reports please make sure you add as much inforamtion as possible. Also add any crash logs you might have. The support team will also follow up on the issue and they might request additional inforamtion in order to properly address this issue.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

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Game Version: 9324567
Issue: Bug
Mods: None

Game version:
Type of issue: [SELECT ONE] Crash | Bug | Performance | Other
Mods: [ Are mods installed: Yes | No ] No

Bug Description:

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

After progressing to the boss in Incaustis, and damaging her enough to put the boss into invulnerable state, the boss will not rematerialize after the enemies have been cleared out. I restarted the level and attempted the boss again, and it happened once more.


For crash reports please make sure you add as much inforamtion as possible. Also add any crash logs you might have. The support team will also follow up on the issue and they might request additional inforamtion in order to properly address this issue.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Step 1: Reach Incaustis boss
Step 2: Damage boss
Step 3: Kill enemies.