Bow damage is too high

A leveled base.

Yup. Baseline for PVP right now is 20-20-20. Slight variations here or there but grit at a higher rate and giving up points elsewhere doesn’t really do what people think it should…

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Yes, that looks like a ghillie suit.
But that sort of erodes the point of garishly dressing to warn everyone what to expect.
Perhaps this one should do a serious run first and then board the crazy train to absurdlandia…
No, strike that. Reverse it. This one must see if it is viable in if this one killed you, you probably are in danger from baby turtle mode first.

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This thread is a prime example of why posting anything on this forum pvp related is not even worth it.


Not the majority of the complaints…it’s nerf this or that. A full request for balance would mean a complete rewrite of all weapons with strength weakness analysis to ensure each weapon has where it dominates and where it fails. The problem is no one actually wants this because of their favorite weapon x will get punked so the game gets isolated nerfs and metas just get replaced.

Here is something novel…get better armor. What I hate is the constant complaints a out 2 shot this, one shot that and I see everyone in skimpy light armor…yeah I get it, speed matters but it comes at a cost, glass jaw.


That’s funny because my last pvp experience was with 0-0-20-20-10-10. It went really well. My stores were never touched and everyone killed themselves and left. I pick up so much loot I actually left hundreds of star metal bars to decay. Got bored and reduced my footprint to minimum and left.

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And this is the moment you’ve realized you stomped new/inexperienced/bad players. It’s like smurfing in Herald in Dota 2

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That’s why raid bases or in other words “FOBs” exist.

Idk the PvP you describe sounds so casual low skill. As in: no one is using the game mechanics to it’s fullest potential.

I would not even compare it to Herald MMR or Iron Tier. It’s more like Crusader or Silver Tier, where people have some clue about the game but yet there is still a lot missing to get to the top.

They don’t have speed though. With the builds they use, they have no expertise and rely entirely on Strength for carry weight. If they have any sort of raid kit on them, it means they are slow. Light armor gets hit with the heaviest encumbering penalties to stamina regen, which kick in at anything over 49% carry capacity.

If they stepped up to medium, they would have the least penalties to stamina regen. Anyone still using Light armor hasn’t got the memo yet.

People losing and asking for nerfs sounds like dirt noob tier to me. PVPers adapt to changes. Pretenders run to devs for help instead of taking initiative or personal responsibility. Doubly so in reference to bow damage.


The bow is weak sauce. No way you lost 50% HP from 1 hit. Maybe lost 50hp but not 50%.

I am only reporting obvious OP stuff like oneshot mechanics. This thread is not mine. I already said that archer can be fun to play and I am also using it.

My suggestion was to make it more reliable, but this will require a change in damage.

Another one who has not played PvP. But come, take a look at bow damage:

It’s not even Reach of the red mother that I am using…

As your own video proves you wrong. That shot did not do 50% of max HP. It did 40%. To a target with light armor. And probably like 10 points in vitality.

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Someone having a different opinion then you doesn’t mean they have no experience. It means they have different experience that has resulted in a different opinion. Every PvP fight I’ve had and seen where someone mains a bow the bow guy dies first or is useless. 1 v 1: bow guy dies. 2 v 2 bow guy dies first. 4 person free for all… bow guy dies. 10+ people in a cluster F!@# of a fight. Bow guy hits his friends more then the enemy and then dies.

Are there some people out there who can actually use a bow? Probably. Does that make it an OP weapon in need of a nerf? no!


No, not really. That build gonna be super bad. Just sayin. And also again, stop talk about stuff u OBVIOUSLY dont know anything about. It’s pathetic how low the level is.

Wake up lol.

Nope, not losing. Just want to see a balanced game. But seems like you dont.

They’re sort of correct though, in your video it did 235-275 damage to light armor, that’s 30-35% of the HP people have there :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes, bows can do up to ~400 damage to a similar target if you hit somebody in the head and from a long distance away with dead shot and from behind with backstab.
I still don’t see a problem :man_shrugging: it means you have a sniper and you should be aware…

In any case, I repeat what I said previously… This is NOT seeking “balance”… because you’re trying to balance everything to that ONE build with that ONE armor setup and that ONE melee weapon… it’s the equivalent of refusing to change so trying to bring everything to your level…
So let me ask again… why are we comparing the damage of bows to the damage of spears?..


In a light kit you can carry while still being green encumbrance

20 Pure Aloe
10 Antidote
3 weapons Great axe, Spear, 1hand axe
25 dp + the jugs and tar
50 feast

why would anyone wear medium for slightly faster regen while being red encumbrance when you can carry all that and be green.