Or you know, most people (aka people like you and the OP) are just to dumb to understand how to defend against it now. Same can be said in the other direction Dorpie. So before you call people dumb, try not to make yourself look dumb.
Yes, sure. Because anecdotal evidence without substance is equivalent to absolute zero. I could easily tell you as well, but without substance and evidence to back that up what does that equate to?
It really doesn’t.
Ah yes, because only YOU know how the game works and only YOU can say how anything matters. Screw how items work in any other game mode, as long as YOU get what YOU want. I am so sick of your self entitled mentality dorpie. Grow the f up and realize that this game does not revolve around you alone, or around pvp alone. This game is meant for everyone, and ALL playstyles, not just one.
No, the OP asked for a nerf. Straight up asked for bows to be nerfed. That is not asking for balance, that is asking for a weapon to be downgraded, without any consideration what so ever for any other playstyle. And you on the other hand always jump into these threads to ■■■■ on anyone who disagrees in the slightest with anything PvP related. You are nothing but a troll. You always have been and you always will be. You do not care about how any of the idiotic nerfs you defend would destroy the game for thousands of people, as long as you can keep up your “us vs them” mentality and continue your “crusade against PVE players”.
OP is running a glass cannon build and wondering why the weakest weapon in the game is taking him out and demanding it be nerfed. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume he was probably still wearing non-epic armor too.
I think the real problem in PvP after reading this is strength increasing carry weight. Maybe even agility increasing stamina.
Maybe they need to make you guys make some decisions. You have far too much stamina with a no grit build and far too much carry weight on a no expertise build.
This right here. Some atts cover multiple needs.
Str–Carry weight and weapon damage
Agility–Speed, Stam, and weapon damage
Grit–Armor, Stam
Auth–followers all around (HP and Damage)
Exp-Carry weight.
My thoughts, remove stam from Agility and put it on Exp.
See, these are actually good suggestions that would help to re-balance the game and effect things far better than “nerf item X”.
Because the amount of damage you can do with all that will be fully repaired by the time you run back to your outpost and come back.
Why do your videos all show people ignoring the archer?
If I did that, if I made a video showing people ignoring a guy with a javelin just stabbing people in the back and claiming how good it is at killing. I’d rightfully be called out for it. So I’m going to do that here. Why are the other people ignoring the archer?
Were they told to act like they weren’t even there for the sake of the video?
Ignore the guy with the bow, we need to prove how OP it is!
Why isn’t there any calls to nerf the s20,a20,v20 build? I mean it’s op in combat to other builds, right? So why isn’t there a call to balance the attributes?
Because it makes sense that you’d be better at combat when you are, you know, specced for combat.
Expertise and authority provide little to no benefit with combat. Grit is on the fence but edged out by agility in terms of direct combat benefit.
I mean, flat out, you shouldn’t be as deadly specced into authority or expertise. 20-20-20 isn’t a fault of the attribute system quite frankly, there is always going to be a meta build. And really, the fact that it makes every weapon useable at its maximum effect would seem to me to be a desirable consequence of that.
The consequence of double bonus attributes is why would you get grit when you can get more than enough from agility coupled with the less stamina used 3rd perk and getting bonus armor pen while your at it.
Carry weight from strength coupled with make armor weight less.
All the damage perks apply stacked on all weapon types ie great axe agility armor pen plus strength damage.
Plus you get berzerker and stagger immune.
Just add last stand and your done.
You dont need any other attributes you have more than enough for 90% of what you are doing.
If you need supplies then make a close attack base.
One guy with max expertise to loot the fallen and your set.
Can do every dungeon, climb every mountain, run for days fast.
Could put 5 from agility in grit but more preference.
Can then use every weapon , and function in almost all situations.
The perks stacking effects on all weapons could do with looking at id agree rather than any individual weapon rip katana
@Taemien And I don’t agree on much of anything but I’m with him on this one. The majority of the fight you have all the time in the world to line up shots mostly unharrowed. If the skill of the three melee players was even then the guy getting 2 v 1ed would have died leaving you alone to fight your own 2 v 1 battle. Something about this video is sus.
You keep belittling peoples PvP experience for disagreeing with you but I ask you this. What kind of skilled PvPer doesn’t have multiple weapons on their hot bar? None of your opponents who presumably know you use a bow had daggers?
So you acknowledge this is a meta build but since there will always be one of some fashion, let’s not try to correct the attributes… interesting. Now tell me again why we should need the bow.
And bows will dominate a real combat unless you get the drop on the archer because range is significantly more of an advantage. The point here is that you are being selective on what needs to be fixed and what doesn’t…what gets realism justification and what doesn’t. The only fair thing to do is to nuke the entire system and start over but I bet no one will be happy with that.
I haven’t suggested anything be fixed. The exact opposite actually, so I’m not sure what point we’re trying to drive home here.
I said no bow nerf. And then had a random thought about the secondary benefits of the 20-20-20 builds being the cause of such little build variation on PvP servers, based on what folks here have said. But I did not say anything in favor of changing anything.
Yes broken not because they make you better at combat but because they add everything else you need at the same time.
Then because they stack in all weapon types so it make no sense of varying the build.
Resulting in everyone who knows running 20-20-20 the only real variation is 20-15-20 and have a floating 5 in something else.
Edit: hell, even the perk choices are exactly the same.
And resulting in cries for nerf weapons when the real issue is stacking perks for weapons that dont take this into account.
No pvp vs pve here, im pvp but tbh see no difference in the game modes other than pvp meaning seeing another player means potentially a max level avalanche purge appearing with no warning.
The game is exactly the same.
How we play is the difference.
If the npcs suddenly could choose there own weapons and suddenly started light dagger spamming with qlock and scorpion queen venom for example im betting there would be similar posts from the pve crowd.
Just an example in no way am i crying for nerf.
Maybe qlock against players shouldnt be a thing but…
That said im not in favor of nerfs, not even for attribute perks i just think its a first itteration since release and needs re examining.