Broken toggle sprint/run

Went to report this bug on the client. Says “Go to our public forums, that gets more visibility”. Since they have not replied to this chain I am assuming that is not true. Please fire the money grubbing executives and put some actual game developers at the helm. Also, everyone from funcom, until this is fixed, … trying to think of something in their day-to-day lives that would be annoying. You can’t put your drink down. Ever. until this is fixed.

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Yes . This new update has killed the game. I cant access the workers bench or any table to get things out of it :tired_face:

I also just had a look and toggle sprint does not work on my keyboard and mouse either

It also not works on PC if you try to rebind it. I am very speechless on such an idiotic change, tbh.
No one wanted it, no one asked for it, but it effectively makes the game unplayable for me.

When will funcom stop to change major things no one asked for, and completely wreck them in the process? It almost feels as if the main question on the development side is “How can we make people stop playing Conan Exiles?”

Given that it’s acknowledged on the Known Issues of this chapter, you were markedly incorrect in your assumption. Keep that in mind going forward.

Yeah its bad, no way I cant play the game like this. Tried many changes in the controls settings but nothing. Have to hold to run, no toggle. At this point the more damage conan exiles gets the less likely I will get dune and reccomend ot to tje people who are on edge about it.

Man I thought it was just me.
Input.ini hasn’t changed. WTF?
Why do these ppl insist on f$%^^#$king with shit that ain’t broke
…all the time?!?

Always NOfuncom! saddly.

I have posted a temporarily fix I made for PC, just search following in funcom forum to find it:
Temporarily fix for lack of sprint toggle on PC

Take care

same here…among other things. What I don’t understand is why they keep changing things that worked perfectly well before… it’s like they’re not happy if it’s not buggy :man_shrugging:

Word for word bro! Great post. Fix it now Funcom. I pay you for a server, i buy your DLC and items, im supporting you. Why dont you support me Funcom?

Same here, on PC using controller, game in unplayable until they fix it.

I’ve been away for over a week and I just came back and noticed this. This is so stupid. WTF!!! FIX IT NOW!

Well you see, our planned changes to inventory management that was still functional didn’t get the feedback we wanted and so we immediately got a hotfix out there that decimated the console folks UI. So naturally we are going to take it slow to fix that issue. Because not able to get precisely 234 steel bars is far more of an issue that controller folks not being able to toggle sprinting.

These are the things that irk me about FC decision making.

Know what would fix all of this? A roll back…

Except that’s not really what happened. In reality, Funcom was made aware that players were not happy about the loss of custom stack splitting the moment the patch went onto testlive. That issue remained throughout the testlive period (at that point only directly affecting those on testlive, of course), and then the patch was released with the problem still present. Then two weeks later the hotfix was released, which included a fix for custom stack splitting. And messed up controller UIs and sprint toggle. Funcom was made aware immediately on the hotfix’s release of these new problems, and started work on a hotfix for the hotfix that will take ‘two weeks’. So, depending on your viewpoint, it could be argued that the two hotfixes are taking the same length of time, or it could be argued that the initial hotfix took significantly longer. But claiming it was done ‘immediately’ but then the second hotfix has to wait is just not correct.

Patch should NOT break another function.

It’s called Quality Control.

I’ve only been playing this game for 1 year and I’ve seen more operational
incompetence and lack of appreciation for the very ppl supporting this train-wreck
than I possible; & yet still have a following… of ANY size.


Absolutely. A patch or hotfix should not break other things - that’s pretty obvious. However - I was pointing out that the timing was not what was being stated. I made no comment about whether or not the patch and hotfix were ‘good’.

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True and this is more of a POV optics critique vs understanding the development process.

I personally felt they didn’t heed test live feedback because it was a design decision to change and not a bug. I felt they didn’t release long enough to get proper objective feedback and knee jerked because of it vs tell everyone to continue testing it out and if after a month, the data shows it’s still unpopular, then the would consider reverting. The speed of removal of a planned design change and the amount of function that died afterwards is telling me that the were not ahead of this and in reaction mode.

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I can see what you’re saying - but I’m not convinced it was strictly a planned design change. It came across much more as a feature they didn’t bother to add back in after making other changes because they ‘believed no one used it’ (based on them stating that they don’t use it). Less an active decision and more an omission because they viewed it as unimportant. The feedback quickly disabused them of the idea that no one used it, so they added a limited version of the original functionality. Unfortunately, in the process of fixing multiple issues (not just custom split stack) they somehow messed up the toggle sprint (I’ve no idea what exactly they were adjusting that led to the problem, but experience using mods tells me that seemingly completely unrelated systems within this game can have strange impacts on each other). And now they have to fix that (and other things), so who knows what’ll be impacted next :man_shrugging: :rofl:

It’s also worth remembering that some portion of the 2 week schedule on these hotfixes tends to be about getting it through Microsoft/Sony’s systems. They may have had the fix ready to roll out very quickly, but if they still have to wait for third party approval, they (and we) are kinda stuck.

As for why they didn’t heed testlive feedback - they rarely ever have, whether it’s a bug or an intended change - but they often seem to use some of that feedback to inform what goes into the first hotfix. Not a satisfactory solution from our side, but at least it means they can get started on the hotfix before the patch has even gone live. Unfortunately something just went particularly wrong this time. We’ve both been around long enough to know that this hotfix into another hotfix situation is pretty unusual - normally it’s one hotfix and then wait for next main update for any further fixes - so at least it shows they’re taking the issue seriously, even if it is hard for us to understand why it happened in the first place.

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