Temporarily fix for lack of sprint toggle on PC

Hey there,

I wrote a little autohotkey script to provide a kind of sprint toggle until Funcom released a hotfix for that. Sadly it only works for PC users, not for Playstation or Xbox :confused:

Download and install the free and open source script language software from Autohotkey.com.
Now copy the whole code I provide at the bottom of that post, create a new text document on the desktop or wherever you like to have it, paste the code and save it as „Sprint-fix.ahk“ or choose any name you like, just make sure your file is .ahk and not .txt or something else.
That’s basically all preperation! :slight_smile:

Now just run the new created script with a double click, you will find a green „H“ symbol in the system tray, indicating the script is running.
Start CE and enjoy playing. The standard sprint key „left shift“ will have the function of the sprint toggle now. But you don’t need to hold it down anymore. Just press left shift once and the script keep the shift key pressed until you press it again.
You can also use it with a game controller. For that you need to remap the controllers L3 in Steams Conan Exiles settings to be keyboard left shift instead of L3.

To revert the changes once Funcom released a fix for sprint toggle, remap the controller L3 to be L3 again and just not start / delete the script „Sprint fix.ahk“

Have fun, Azradox


#SingleInstance, Force
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
winTitle = ahk_exe ConanSandbox.exe
#If WinActive(winTitle)
   if (toggle)
	  sendinput, {LShift Down}
	  sendinput, {LShift Up}

Thank you sir!!!

These f-U-N-c-O-N Mensa brain-trusts need to compensate you or something…
It’s like they are intentionally trying break the game by running ppl off changing
stupid shit like this THE MAJORITY of the player base uses!

NOBODY asked for this …so WTF?!?

Quick ? plz: If I want to change LShift to ‘Left Control’ is it: ‘LCtrl’ ?

Yes, should work with LCtrl, just replace the word Lshift with LCtrl but leave the brackets untouched (the first has no brackets, later there are {} around the word).
If it don’t work with LCtrl for any reason, try using Control instead, it should be the left Ctrl key by default but COULD also work on right one then.

Best regards

You are a hand saver <3 Thanks :smiley:

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

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