Broken toggle sprint/run

As of this morning’s (4-11-2024) patch I can’t use toggle sprint any more. Tested on several servers, two different systems / accounts, rebooted devices. Changed the settings repeatedly on off tried various settings etc… Nothing works.
This makes the game unplayable on a controller as having to hold down left click to move about the whole time wears my hand out and makes my thumb sore very quickly and makes combat nigh impossible.
Funcom: fix this immediately or lose a many years loyal player.


Same problem.

Immediate fix? lmao best they can do is 2 weeks and then they will ‘‘fix’’ it along with a bunch of useless, niche stuff.

Please fix ASAP <3 this is no joke unplayable </3

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Same problem. It is impossible to hold the stick down

Of course you can’t. They keep removing functions that players use all the time, not surprised this is broken or gone, too.

Glad you came by to post about it, if more people speak up maybe they’ll stop wrecking the game.


Yep that and now i cant unwield weapons. On Playstation i use triangle to crouch, hold to unwield weapons, now i cant do that. I have the key binded and everything and its still doing nothing. I just dont understand how all these different gaming developers can release patches to fix issue but in turn, making alot more issues.

Please do not think that will be the case … no matter how many people tell them they do not listen … yes they fix some stuff after months maybe years of people filing bug reports or zendesk / Reddit forums but they break 10 more things in the process … I’ve never seen a post about people asking for changes in controls or how we move about inventory’s yet they clearly thought it was an issue :see_no_evil:


Had similar issue. For me, when I toggle run then jump, it starts running. If I stop and start running again, The stamina glitch and stop draining until you jump again. Made it from the mounds to the jungle like this lol.

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Wow… what a mess.

Can they make it any worse? Probably.

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Yep, and there’s a reason why I included the word maybe in that post.

Nor have I. This is Funcom once again “fixing” something that wasn’t broken, changing something that no one asked them to change. They NEED to stop doing that.

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yea toggle sprint not working hope they fix it soon

The issue is less that they tried to fix something/changed it and more that they did zero quality control. If everything worked well, very few bugs with it and they didn’t change key bindings; i don’t think people would be as annoyed with the changes. Its just that every patch/hotfix just breaks everything and their new “feature” is a broken mess with zero QA. I also think that the UX designer that they got to design it obviously doesn’t play the game (Its very common for designers to not play the game they work on. They are hired for the design skill and not because they actually play the game they are working on).

Edit: I consider removing features like precise split to be a perfect example of a UX designer who doesn’t play the game. He/She probably didn’t even know that was a thing. A proper UX designer should never remove control from the player like that. It shows a complete lack of understanding of the game and its playerbase.

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Exactly. The worst part of this function being removed is that the developers even made a post about it showing they did not understand how players used the function, and despite being told by test server players NOT to remove it they did it anyway. Disgusting.

For reference: We find that most of the time when we are splitting stuff


Are they intentional ruining the game?


Autorun toggle still works for me. I have it bound to R (for run, of course). No idea what the default binding is.

If it’s not working on default, try rebinding it.

It works for mouse and keyboard but does not work for Controllers which are a completely different set of bindings.

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They kinda did :confused:
On PlayStation now you have to HOLD R3 to run. That’s not optimal and will get your controller a shorter life lol. It’s difficult to steer while holding it down.

The inability to toggle sprint with L3 needs to be fixed asap. Some of us want to PVP this week end. Please hotfix it for tomorrow. I hope someone from funcom is actually reading these posts and acting on them.

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I think it’s a good feature especially for PVP…
Players can’t sit there and run the whole time and pinball around… but I will say they roll a lot more Sonic the hedgehog… lol