Game is broke, whenever I go near the crevice in the jungle area I get kicked off game??? Whenever I try to log in after I get kicked it crashes every time I try and connect to server for 30 minutes - 1 hour then I respaen in desert, lost all my items!! Fix the game please
It might be more helpful if you explained more what was happening.
Just and FYI for a reliable crash fix.
Launch single player, give yourself admin, teleport to the volcano and then back to the desert. works every time.
I’m exploring for exp and whenever I go near the place ‘the crevice’ in the jungle I crash and can’t login until my character dies… Which has led time losing all my gear which took a while to make:dizzy_face:
Also this is on Xbox
how many times has this happened?
Like 4 time I’ve been back to try it again
Game is so broke