BUG | Hyperborean Slaver Armor Heat and Cold resistance ?!?

After DLC ‘Seekers of the Dawn’ Update (12.12.2018):

the Hyperborean Slaver Armor Base, Exceptional and Flawless gives Heat Resistance as intended.
Base ( ID: 52957 / 52950 / 52951 / 52956 / 52958 )
Exceptional ( ID: 52960 / 52952 / 52953 / 52959 / 52961 )
Flawless ( ID: 52963 / 52954 / 52955 / 52962 / 52964 )

And back to something that was allready fixed back in the days …

the Hyperborean Slaver Armor Epic Base, Epic Exceptional and Epic Flawless gives Cold Resistance.
Base Epic ( ID: 91070 / 91071 / 91072 / 91073 / 91074 )
Exceptional Epic ( ID: 91165 / 91166 / 91167 / 91168 / 91169 )
Flawless Epic ( ID: 91260 / 91261 / 91262 / 91263 / 91264 )

way to much Karsk guys :crazy_face:

greetz SirBowen

P.S.: The IDs are sorted from Head to Torso to Hands to Legs to Feet.
So if you guys find some messed up ID sequences above, thats YOUR DATABASE :wink:

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