Game mode: [Single-player] Testlive (no mods) Type of issue: [Bug] Server type: [PvE] Region: [North America]
[Double and Triple spawns of thralls: Specifically at Black Galleon]
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Farm the Black Galleon (no multiple spawns on first encounter)
Leave area and quickly return (far enough away so that they reset)
Farm again (may have to repeat a few times; double and triple spawns didn’t show up right away (about my fourth or more farming of Black Galleon in the same play session)
Okay, I thought I had read that it was one of the issues addressed in the testlive patch and I wanted to make sure you all knew that it was still occurring. If it is still ongoing and not addressed yet, then I guess that’s why its still there.
Keep up the good work on bug fixes. I’m really looking forward to the patch released to the live build.