BUG | Njoror Battleborn & Werk of the Lost Tribe (Light, Medium, Heavy)

Game mode: Online official | Online private | Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: EU

Werk of the Lost Tribe and Njoror Battleborn are the only armorers who can not build Leather Apron, Leather Workgloves and, way more important, the epic flawless Light (light), Medium (Medium) and Heavy (Heavy) armors like ALL others can do.

Njoror Battleborn:

Werk of the Lost Tribe:


Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Pick Njoror Battleborn or Werk of the Lost Tribe.
  2. Put him to the Armorer’s Bench
  3. Try to build the Leather Apron (ID: 52212)
  4. Try to build the Leather Workgloves (ID: 52213)
  5. Put him to the Improved Armorer’s Bench
  6. Try to build the epic flawless Light (light) (ID: 91190, 91191, 91192, 91193, 91194)
  7. Try to build the epic flawless Medium (Medium) (ID: 91195, 91196, 91197, 91198, 91199)
  8. Try to build the epic flawless Heavy (Heavy) (ID: 91200, 91201, 91202, 91203, 91204)

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