BUG | Werk of the Lost Tribe (epic flawless but no flawless)

Game mode: Online official | Online private | Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: EU

Werk of the Lost Tribe (T4 Armorer) can build the epic flawless versions of Cimmerian Fur (Medium) and Cimmerian Steel (Heavy) armors.
But he can not build the nonepic flawless version of Cimmerian Fur (Medium) and Cimmerian Steel (Heavy) armors at the Armorer’s Bench.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Pick Werk of the Lost Tribe
  2. Put him to the Armorer’s Bench
  3. Try to Build the flawless version of Cimmerian Fur (Medium) armor
  4. Try to Build the flawless version of Cimmerian Steel (Heavy) armor

for some reason u have to have both armor benches half the stuff u will need is made on the reg bench then the rest is on the adv bench its very stupid .

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Not a bug, he cant make it because it doesn’t exist. Think about it the Cimmerian armor does not require non epic version to make it like most other epic sets. Also a Cimmerian Armorer III only makes exceptional epic and there is no feat for normal Cimmerian armor. Same deal with Lemurian armor.

It may seem like an oversight but its the way they designed it.

I leave it up to Funcom if something is a bug or not.
I only report Database mistakes or missed entrys.

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