BUG | Werk of the Lost Tribe Cimmerian epic flawless but not nonepic flawless

Game mode: Online official | Online private | Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: EU

Werk of the Lost Tribe (T4 Armorer) can build the epic flawless versions of Cimmerian Fur (Medium) and Cimmerian Steel (Heavy) armors.

But he can not build the nonepic flawless version of Cimmerian Fur (Medium) and Cimmerian Steel (Heavy) armors at the Armorer’s Bench.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Pick Werk of the Lost Tribe
  2. Put him to the Armorer’s Bench
  3. Try to Build the flawless version of Cimmerian Fur (Medium) armor
  4. Try to Build the flawless version of Cimmerian Steel (Heavy) armor

As far as I can see both cimmerian fur and cimmerian steel armour is only epic level. There is no non-epic variety.

Thats correct and the strange/odd/curious/wierd part.
If a mastercrafter can build something with a gold egde, he surely can build it without too.
Werk can build it Epic Flawless but not Flawless :crazy_face:

What I am trying to say is those armour varieties are only Epic starting from base Epic.
The non-epic equivalents do not exist in the game at all … no base, exceptional or flawless non-epic varieties of those two armour sets. This is the same situation for some other sets as well.

You are absolutely correct and thats why its posted as a BUG. (like all other sets where this is happened)

Edit: Maybe it is important to say, there are nonepic icons of these armors allready ingame since 2017.

for example.

Its called Hardened Steel armor and Fur armor in the database with stats and so on. But because of Funcoms database issues we dont have these nonepic armors at the moment, but they are allready in game.

Hardened Steel armor = Cimmerian Steel armor
Exceptional Hardened Steel armor = Exceptional Cimmerian Steel armor
Flawless Hardened Steel armor = Flawless Cimmerian Steel armor

Fur armor = Cimmerian Fur Armor
Exceptional Fur armor = Exceptional Cimmerian Fur Armor
Flawless Fur armor = Flawless Cimmerian Fur Armor

This 2 armour sets was befor the epic armour was implentet normal armours but now its only a epic sets so its not give it anymore i dont like it too but they have think about the epic armours and now we have too deal whit it

Did you have a link for me where Funcom says both Cimmerian armors are only available in Epic ?
Till than, i quess it is just another Database issue because of the wrong name.

As far as I know, since I first began playing this game (a month or two months after official release), both of the Cimmerian Armor sets are only available under the “Exile Epics” Armor Feat, once you reach max level.

Seeing it this way, says to me, that to be able to craft these armor sets, you need to have learned the “Exile Epics” Feat.

Since they are only available through that Feat, then it would make sense that Werk of the Lost Tribe, can only make Epic versions of these sets. (Epic, Exceptional Epic, and Flawless Epic)

Let me ask this, if you have Werk of the Lost Tribe, and you are max level, and you have learned the Exile Epics Feat, why do you want to make a non epic version of the armor, when you can make a flawless epic version?

I understand if you want all of your thralls in matching armor and having a regular, non epic version of armor would reduce the cost for making matching armor, but if it’s just for yourself, then I do not understand why you would want anything less than the epic versions.

Honestly SirBowen, I think you may be looking a little too much into these things you’ve posted on this bug forum.

Noticed the first time you posted all of your “Bug” reports. Had maybe 15 or so going at once and from what I see today, is all of those same posts you made before, got re-posted along with a few extras bringing your “reports” up to over 20 separate posts…

Good luck to you SirBowen hope all your “bugs reports” get resolved

Thanks for the wishes.
As long as the posted Bugs gets automatically closed after 7 days without any feedback, statement or just a short note from the moderators like … Its not a bug, its intended, send to the Devs, we take a look at it or whatsoever, i will surely report it again and agian.
That means, till we get a Bugtracker like Mantis or similar, i guess i have to report it again and agian to stay visible in the pipeline and dont get disappear in the data nirvana.

And you are absolutely right. I only reported around 20 Bugs so far, because i dont wanna spam the whole Bug forum with all issues at once.
Just waiting to get some answer to post the next dozens who still waiting in the line. My excel spreadssheet gets longer and longer the more i stick my nose into the database and the Wiki datamined stuff.

With a clear feedback from the team to each reported issue, bug, mistake, forgotten content, etc … we can cleanup the Wikipedia and keep it up to date but without any statement we still “hanging in the air” and let broken content shown in the Wiki.

A lot of these so called Bugs are reported, because these missed items are still in the Database but most of the time with very specific,- typos,- double,- triple,- name entrys, so i guess they are hard to find for the Devs.
So i send as much informations as i can get (names, IDs, pictures, links …) to make it easier for the Devs to find the Database issues to repair or deleting it. And trust me, the Database is a mess if you ever take a look closer into it. (names, IDs, listings etc…) Every admin, coder or modder can correct me if iam wrong.

Oh and dont think i want these things get fixed for my personal ingame experience. I just wanna help Funcom to fix their things, so the players out there get some nice gaming experience without bugs. If Funcom dont want some kind of help, they simply can tell me. I surely can sacrificing my time to work as a volunteer for other things.

Greetings SirBowen

P.S.: This discussion is about the good old “Is it a bug or is it a feature ?” and i allready wonder why the users have to argue about something posted in this Bug forum, besides all the other nonrelated spam.
Isnt a bug forum normaly like … Open a Thread … posting an issue … and done. Some solutions, details and confirmations are welcome to the devs for bugfixing, but definetely no user to user discussion needed if the report is a bug or not. Now it is up to the moderators or devs to decide if it is a bug or not. And i definetely leave it up to them to decide and you should do that too. Or did you know it better than them ?

Or, they may know more than you do? To me it looks like you are being annoyed because your position has been disputed.

I do not mean to offend, but I’ll expand upon why I made a reply. As I see it, if you are trying to make an item for which there is no recipe in game but item listed in Admin spawn or the dev-kit then it’s a different bug.

Where have you seen that there is non-epic cimmerian fur and steel items? In the dev-kit? Then it’s a bug that they are in the dev-kit but not in the game.
Is it that there is a recipe for the hardened steel and fur ingame but not able to make exceptional and flawless versions of them with that t4 or any t4? And if that’s the case, then the bug report needs to state those names not the cimmerian fur and steel non-epic (… as they don’t exist. )
Is it that we can spawn in the hardened / fur armour base, exceptional, flawless non-epic via Admin, but can’t make them ingame as no recipe/feat for them.
If it’s that it’s listed on the wiki but not craftable in the game and not in the dev-kit … then it’s the wiki that is out of date.

We should expect player replies as well as funcom employees as this is an open section of the forum.
Sometimes the bug reports can be resolved by players replying giving information the creator was unaware of … several bug reports have been resolved this way in relation to mods causing the issues …
Funcom has also implied in other posts that additional player input confirming the bug, giving more information or stating it’s not occurring in different game modes is useful.

I do respect that you are spending your leisure time trying to compile accurate data and help funcom resolve issues if they exist.

SirBowen, I respect the effort you’re putting forth looking through the data, and some of the reports you’ve made, I would agree with them as being Bugs, but the vast majority of what you have posted I do not agree with.

A lot, if not ALL of the posts you have made that include pictures, refer back to the Wikipedia for this game.

You mention the data you sift through is to help out the developers with things they may have missed within the data, to either remove or change/update that data while it doesn’t necessarily affect your personal gameplay experience.

My opinion in regards to Wikipedia itself, is that it should bever be trusted, not to the fullest extent. The site allows for anyone to add/edit anything on any specific page which leaves room for lots of mistakes.

You made a reply to another person’s post right here on the Bug Forum, Than Hammerblow (No Hyranian Recipes)

In this reply, what do you find?
Another reference along with a link to the Official Conan Exiles Wiki.

Honestly, this makes me wonder how much personal gameplay you actually experience.

Where are the in-game screenshots to confirm or support the Wikipedia screenshots you have provided in many of your posts?

is he in an improved armorer’s workbench? if he is try moving him to a normal amrorer’s workbench because you can’t craft non epic varients in improved armorer’s workbench.

^ actual personal gameplay experience ^

also, the wiki can’t really be trusted if I recall correctly it’s entirely fan managed, thus many things may not be accurate, also just because it’s datamined and exists in the game does not mean you’re supposed to get it, if you’ve played literally any game ever you would know this. The most obvious example i can think of are dev items, or anything of that sort, a large portion of the time in many games there are lots of items that exist, but are not actually meant to be acquired by the general player base if anyone at all.

@Bronloneous and Kwalya Let me clarify a little.

  • Wikis in general may be edited by anyone. This makes any wiki ‘very distrustful’, but a wiki is not meant to be a replacement of your gameplay(you don’t have to trust a wiki) in the first place. A wiki is only supposed to help guide the player.
    – The wiki accounts for any mistakes made/can’t account for all mistakes. We try to check edits and we know the datamining isn’t always correct but we can’t verify all of it ourselves. I can’t see anyone would be willing to spend time on that. Only some pages, for the sake of not irritating the reader eg.the thralls page, mention that info is datamined because of this.
    – that things aren’t naturally the same is a bigger issue than anonymous people contributing. Articles remain stubs mostly.(explained in the last point)
  • If you want people constantly verifying every single thing with screenshots from their own game you’re also asking a lot. Even for a single thing, you’re just asking others to do it/things for you.
  • We’re actively trying to get more editors on the wiki, but please know that this game is big and editors don’t have a lot of time and that the game has some database issues that just aren’t fun for anyone.
    – If you want to hate on community effort, know that you’re hating on your own community. I can see that you are respecting the effort put into the data, but SirBowen is actually putting his own screensshots into the wiki, he could tell you about his personal experience, but of course they can’t sum up things right of the bat.
  • Datamining etc. does not give personal experience of course. We appreciate any practical information/methods/tips and tricks/guides/useful links/notes/videos…
    If you would like to help with this yourself, you are welcome.
    Official Wiki - Changes + What’s needed + Q&A Thread!
    – Note: some of us are able to datamine, are experienced players, modders or server admins etc. and just ‘know’ some information that isnt on the wiki. I have nothing to say about this though.
    — sidenote: we’re not supposed to put any bug info on the wiki, but I occasionally make some text about it in the Notes (eg.Purge which may be a bit confusing or make-no-sense-anymore, but it’s a geberak warning that something has some big issues). Ofc issues are very specific and rather quickly outdated so that’s why…

I’m sure you are all aware of some of these things. Don’t sweat it, it’s just for your information.

To get more, experienced players that may be willing to tell their personal experience on some of these topics to you I would recommend joining the discord.
It includes a wiki channel. If you have any questions about wikis and wiki editing, you may ask me as well. I may be found as the discord Head Moderator.

Also, ps, this comes over as rude, but this thread is going off-topic from the actual bug. Please stay ontopic. I hope for many bugs and issues that they will get fixed at some point. :slight_smile:

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Just read carefully.

As allways i totally agree with you. Some solutions, details and confirmations from others are very welcome to the bugreport, it will help the devs for bugfixing, but i guess Funcom dont need Users to decide if it is a bug or not. Report an issue and leave it up to them.
All the other things you are saying are related to the “Players Helping Players” section at this forum and this is also the place i expect discussions, hints, solutions, tips and tricks etc.

Thats exactly the point. Who are you that you have to agree if something is a bug or not. Did you work for Funcom, are you an incocnito coder for them, than let us all know please.

About the Pictures. I decided that these links and pictures with the writing about the issues is enouth for the Devs to find the problem to fix it or not. Up to them.
(Side note: i choose the Wiki pics because they are up-to-date and are well sorted and you can see the missing items in one look, other than ingame at the workbench because of the sorting function, but both will show the same.)

Besides that, i am not here to give YOU thousands of proof if this is an issue or not. Once again who are YOU that i have to do so ?

(unimportant sidenote but it seems you are in an age to need a tail length comparison. Iam allready retired and do easily 300 hours a month in this game. A total of 3k or 4k is possible. i dont know and i dont care. If iam worthy for YOU now ?)

But there is also a step-by-step ingame process posted (see above). Try it out ingame and you will see. Or did i have to make these pictures Just for you too, because you are to lazy/busy to do so, our divinity ?

Simply try it out by yourself.

And now my last answer here:
Thats excatly what i mean. I simply posted an issue to FUNCOM in their BUG section, so THEY can stick THEIR nose into this and DECIDE if it is a bug to be fixed or NOT.

And now we are all here wasting our time to make endless discussions about WHAT ? If this is a bug or not ? Are you kidding me ! We dont have to decide this anyway.
Cheers over and out.

I was trying to help, frankly i don’t care about this armor set at all, it doesn’t fit my tastes so why should i try it out my myself, i offered up a solutions and you’re just being a jerk about it.

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Sorry for that @Chender, but if you read the whole story here you simply run into the shot field because i have to give thousands of proof here to Users :crazy_face:. We rarely can find bugreports with pictures, Database IDs, clips and other stuff that can help the devs to find it. But if we do, it is still not enouth for some users here :man_facepalming:. Iam very sorry for that and thanks that you tried to help, i appreciate that. But this Armorer cant build the nonepic version. So i send a report in funcoms bugsection.

I guess that makes sense. I just hope some of these bugs that are affecting gameplay get fixed soon too, like altars getting fixed too but i guess datamined stuff has it’s own place in getting fixed as well.