Thanks for the wishes.
As long as the posted Bugs gets automatically closed after 7 days without any feedback, statement or just a short note from the moderators like … Its not a bug, its intended, send to the Devs, we take a look at it or whatsoever, i will surely report it again and agian.
That means, till we get a Bugtracker like Mantis or similar, i guess i have to report it again and agian to stay visible in the pipeline and dont get disappear in the data nirvana.
And you are absolutely right. I only reported around 20 Bugs so far, because i dont wanna spam the whole Bug forum with all issues at once.
Just waiting to get some answer to post the next dozens who still waiting in the line. My excel spreadssheet gets longer and longer the more i stick my nose into the database and the Wiki datamined stuff.
With a clear feedback from the team to each reported issue, bug, mistake, forgotten content, etc … we can cleanup the Wikipedia and keep it up to date but without any statement we still “hanging in the air” and let broken content shown in the Wiki.
A lot of these so called Bugs are reported, because these missed items are still in the Database but most of the time with very specific,- typos,- double,- triple,- name entrys, so i guess they are hard to find for the Devs.
So i send as much informations as i can get (names, IDs, pictures, links …) to make it easier for the Devs to find the Database issues to repair or deleting it. And trust me, the Database is a mess if you ever take a look closer into it. (names, IDs, listings etc…) Every admin, coder or modder can correct me if iam wrong.
Oh and dont think i want these things get fixed for my personal ingame experience. I just wanna help Funcom to fix their things, so the players out there get some nice gaming experience without bugs. If Funcom dont want some kind of help, they simply can tell me. I surely can sacrificing my time to work as a volunteer for other things.
Greetings SirBowen
P.S.: This discussion is about the good old “Is it a bug or is it a feature ?” and i allready wonder why the users have to argue about something posted in this Bug forum, besides all the other nonrelated spam.
Isnt a bug forum normaly like … Open a Thread … posting an issue … and done. Some solutions, details and confirmations are welcome to the devs for bugfixing, but definetely no user to user discussion needed if the report is a bug or not. Now it is up to the moderators or devs to decide if it is a bug or not. And i definetely leave it up to them to decide and you should do that too. Or did you know it better than them ?