Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [EU]
my 4 dancer thralls (2x T2 , 2x T2) somehow do not cure the corruption acumulated.
I do get to see the ‘10 Entertained’ banner on the left side of the screen tho.
i have tried:
logging out and in
moving them further away from eachother
getting more
so far nothing seems to help… since the corruption isnt cureable by any other means this is slowly making the game unplayable…
Almost nothing is explained in game; additionally, I’ve noticed that changes made aren’t persistent, if I need to change a setting, I have to change it every time I launch. I’m thinking about starting over now that I know how [some of] the game works, so I can get my settings right.
Bring up the “pause” menu, go to options, RT all the way to the right hand list, select the first submenu and you should see a “make me admin” checkbox
Edit: Now that I’m actually looking at it I can be more precise…bring up menu with select, go to settings, RT to server settings, in the “general” category you should see a button that says “make me admin”…click said button and begin your settings adjustments.