Bug report : fletchers and priests wrong crafting bonus

Game mode: Online official & Single-player (not checked on other modes)
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: [ Please enter your server region ]
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

  • Priest Thralls T4 Seneschal do not provide any bonus armor when crafting armors. (all religions)
  • Priest Thralls T4 Guardian AND Seneschal do not provide the correct weight reduction (<1%, less than T3 priest or T4 confessor)
  • Carpenter Thralls T4 Fletcher do not provide any bonus damge when crafting bows. (intentional ?)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Step 1 : put the specified thralss in a temple or a carpenter’s bench
  2. Step 2 : craft an armor in a temple or a bow in a carpenter’s bench
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Is there another name for your Seneschals and Guardians? Neither exist in that name that I can find. Are you playing in a language other then English perhaps?

This isn’t consistent with what I’m seeing. The Carpenter Penetration Focus needs looking at (as it’s damage bonus is 1.0, versus 1.02 for a Tier 3). The rest looks fine.

If I ignore the “Seneschal” and “Guardian” part, then this part

Is not consistent with what I’m seeing. Looks fine.

If I ignore the “Seneschal” and “Guardian” part, then this part

Is slightly correct. The “Damage Focus” (yes I’m aware it says Damage, it still gives armor bonuses since Priests craft both armors and weapons) Priests give a better bonus then Tier 3, but the “Armor” and “Durability” focus do not. So that part will need looking at for intention.

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Confessor, Guardian and Seneschal are the three specialisations for T4 priests, with Confessor listed as providing the highest Damage bonus, Guardian the highest Durability and Seneschal the highest Armor Value.

Are the specialisations maybe listed in a different file? (Sorry, I have no idea how the dev kit fits together…)

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Ya, sounds like I need to do some homework.


Thank you for the time to read me :slight_smile:

Well, the “Durability Focus” T4 priest (aka Guardian) and the “Armor Focus” T4 priest (aka Seneschal) are fine for the extra damage when crafting weapons and durability, but they give the wrong weight reduction for both weapons and armors.
But when it comes to armor bonus (the extra value of the armor), they do not provide any when crafting an armor. The armor value of the armor is the same as if you would have craft it without any thralls in your temple. I find that weird since there’s a specialised thrall for amor value (the Seneschal)

Yes that’s what I meant when I spoke about the Fletcher (aka Carpenter Penetration Focus). Sorry i wasn’t clear enough. Are the values intentionals for balance issues ?

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Ah, I see. And ya, looking at the actual data tables for the crafting bonuses suggests the armor bonuses SHOULD be applying. But if they aren’t, then ya, that’s a problem.

Not sure on intention or not. Going to take a little extra time to wrap my head around this, compare notes, etc etc. I’ll get back to you on intention or not if I find out, but will otherwise contribute to this bug report the best that I can.


Thank you very much for your concern :slight_smile:

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