Game mode: [Single-player]
Type of issue: [Bug]
Server type: [PvE-Conflict]
Region: [North America]
While running tests in single player found a thrall stat discrepancy with the Priests.
- Using the Set altar and crafting the “Serpent-stamped Khopesh” the following was observed:
a. No Thrall 34 Damage, 8% Armor penetration, 787.5 Durability, and 4.59 Weight
b. T1 Thrall 40 Damage, 9% Armor penetration, 932.8 Durability, and 3.54 Weight
c. T2 Thrall 34 Damage, 8% Armor penetration, 787.5 Durability, and 4.59 Weight
d. T3 Thrall 34 Damage, 8% Armor penetration, 787.5 Durability, and 4.59 Weight
e. T4 Confessor 42 Damage, 8% Armor penetration, 1027.7 Durability, and 4.02 Weight
f. T4 Seneschal 36 Damage, 8% Armor penetration, 962.3 Durability, and 4.54 Weight
g. T4 Guardian 36 Damage, 8% Armor penetration, 1059.2 Durability, and 4.54 Weight - The T1 Thralls stats are much higher then the T2 - T4 thralls (with the exception of T4 Guardian durability.
- Still conducting tests on other thralls and will post if any discrepancies are found.