BUG | Werk of the Lost Tribe Cimmerian epic flawless but not nonepic flawless

SirBowen, I respect the effort you’re putting forth looking through the data, and some of the reports you’ve made, I would agree with them as being Bugs, but the vast majority of what you have posted I do not agree with.

A lot, if not ALL of the posts you have made that include pictures, refer back to the Wikipedia for this game.

You mention the data you sift through is to help out the developers with things they may have missed within the data, to either remove or change/update that data while it doesn’t necessarily affect your personal gameplay experience.

My opinion in regards to Wikipedia itself, is that it should bever be trusted, not to the fullest extent. The site allows for anyone to add/edit anything on any specific page which leaves room for lots of mistakes.

You made a reply to another person’s post right here on the Bug Forum, Than Hammerblow (No Hyranian Recipes)

In this reply, what do you find?
Another reference along with a link to the Official Conan Exiles Wiki.

Honestly, this makes me wonder how much personal gameplay you actually experience.

Where are the in-game screenshots to confirm or support the Wikipedia screenshots you have provided in many of your posts?