Bugged Greater Armored Hyena

Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name:
Mods: none

Bug Description:
Greater Armored Hyena don’t attack

Bug Reproduction:
13.12.2022. Tamed hyena in small den (i have picked pup beetwen Nunu the Cannibal and Shaleback Hollow) - crafted Greater Armored variant and gave it human flesh - fighted few turtles near river - durindg fight it has just stoped attacking. And nothing helps - tryed to leave it for some time and to change fight engagement. Had same problem with lesser armored variant earlier. Havn’t such problem with abyssal hound which is also crafted from hyena (maybe cause it use wolf model instead of hyena one).

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