The altars all worked the last time I checked. But since this morning my players have been complaining that they can’t use none of them and have been waiting all day just in case those altars need cooldowns?
I restarted my server twice but the issue remain unchanged. Does anyone have the same problem? How can you fix it.
Sorry I cant upload a picture. The altars are locked with no owner.
I can confirm this. I have a PVE server. Maelstroms are enabled, spawning elder things is enabled, siege elder things are disabled. Ignore Container Ownership is DISABLED. The only mod in use is Pippi.
I approached a leyshrine on my admin character who belongs in a clan.
The Focus Alter Base said “Locked” “No Owner”.
I went into Server Settings and put a check in “Ignore Container Ownership”
The Focus Alter Base said “Open” “No Owner”
I disabled “Ignore Container Ownership”
The Focus Alter Base said “Locked” “No Owner”
Anyone in a clan on Isle of Siptah cannot use the leyshrines so generate a surge.