Bugs and more bugs after 1.93

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 4
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: =SERVER TYPE=
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:

Thralls disappeared, pets disappeared, crafting stations disappeared, crafts disappeared, Thralls spawn in different places on the map

Bug Reproduction:

Install Age of War update and 1.93 update

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Having same issues as above. Along with elephants and king rhinos being invisible. Emotes also disappeared from emote wheel. One time when I respawned, lost all items in my inventory AND my horse inventory. Along with multiple items in crafting stations.

Also on ps4 basic 1.93 ver Exiled lands solo play.

welcome to the forums and when did you notice the elephants and king rhinos being invisible?

i have a bug list i am trying to trace the time when this bug started so far the oldest i could find is the start of the AoS.

just saying you may want to look at the list and see if any of the other things on the list are in your game too.

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Invisibility is the least of the problems. Today I lost my attributes and knowledge and I don’t have points to regain them. I can’t level up either because it says I’m at the maximum level.

i noticed that too i logged in this morning to check if anything changed with thralls and reset my
attributes and knowledge to try a new build and it reset my attributes and knowledge but did not give me any points back :tired_face: if it ain’t one thing it is another with this game i had to just wipe the save and restart. :rage:

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