Game mode: Singleplayer
Problem: Bug / Suggestions
- I can’t hit an enemy if they are underneath a tent i.e. the Black Galleon.
- Sound gets off when harvesting resources. It is delayed or doesn’t happen at times
- Can’t use warpaint even though it’s a journey step
- Knocked out enemies fall through the ground upon getting knocked out.
- Bearer Thralls cannot be used, unless I am misunderstanding their use. Can place them,but they can only follow and do not add weight to your inventory
- Thralls cannot be put back in inventory once they are placed. They can only be moved. Is that supposed to be a thing? Because it’s the worst when moving your base. While trying to move multiple Thralls at once it created another thrall out of thin air that isn’t actually there, there isn’t any way to remove it or access its inventory
- I receive the ‘Overencumbered’ message even when I’m not overencumbered
Other suggestions:
- Why’d you nerf bandages so hard??? Beating bosses is now near impossible when you’re playing alone.
- Agro range is too large, can’t sneak past anything.
- A few more feat points would be nice so that I can still have enough to use on non-essentials such as decorations. The number is great for multiplayer because you can share items, but single player life is rough.