Building challenges

Game mode: Official server PVP
Type of issue: Build bugs
Server type: PVP
Region: [North America

When the latest DLC was released I had issues with ceilings not being placeable over various tables - improved blacksmith, improved carpenter, presses, etc. I thought I saw it listed in the bugs for this release . I no longer see it. I am trying to build a base today and I feel like I am on Ark trying to put a gate down. It went down initially with no issues - but I was trying to attach a drawbridge without as much visibility since the bridge now has a significant gap at the top that I can ride a team of horses through (not good for PVP) so I took down my gate/bridge to make some inner changes. Now I cannot put my gate back where it was. Well - that’s not entirely true. I can put it half way into the ground. But I cannot snap it to my building. I have removed everything that was not there the first time I placed and that will let me place it one foundation to the left or right but NOT WHERE I HAD IT. I have spent the day and endless T4 building supplies trying everything under the sun to get they gate placed again. I was able to put another gate inside my second gate (half way through a foundation), but I cannot get a gate to place on the outside of my build where it was originally. It cannot be anything with the location as I had it there before and the inner gate is still there. tore the front of my building off trying to resolve the issue. I had 2 other players come try to place the gate and they are scratching their heads too.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

Oh and another building challenge, I cannot put a ceiling piece next to/start from a ramp. But I can put a hatch down and then lay the ceiling piece over the hatch. Is the intent to make the grind on this game so bad from having to make 1000 times the supplies to build? I am already exhausted with the changes increasing the grind. The number of thralls the die and all the log says is ‘Thrall ■■■ died.’ No idea why. just more grinding. And I see you are preparing to tank the thralls yet again to extend the grind a little longer. SIGH. I appreciate the attempt to get the hackers/exploiters off the official servers. It might help eventually. But when everyone else grinds to make their gear, and the hackers are duping and meshing and they get banned only to come back 2-3 days later with the same name under another account and it takes another 3-6 weeks to get the new ones banned, rinse and repeat. I am not sure it will be enough.

We have a few building issues too. Of course theres the classic ‘cant place’ bug where if you change a build piece then flip back it allows it. Then theres not being able to replace foundations with another DLC textured foundation. Theres also a matter of the Argossean DLC. The corner ceiling pieces only let you walk one way through them. You use it as a walkway and go through one side, only to be greeted by an invisible wall the other side.

Private - PC -PvP

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