Yeah, there seems to have been an expansion of no build areas in the past bunch of patches, and none of us have (yet) managed to identify a setting change that can fix it. Hopefully if enough voices keep being raised, maybe the issue will eventually get fixed.
Game mode: [Offline | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Here]
Ok folks the weekend is here we have welcomed news that there will be more hotfixes incoming soon, and I have just dipped my toes into the new update for the first time. However, I have run afowl of what I can only assume is a nasty bug. For some reason I am now completely and utterly unable to build anyrhing on the western wing of my manor, and for that matter on any of its 3 floors. I cant put down a bench, or for that matte…
F5 map coord, new Siptah’s area. There is a cave in the big rock, I would like to live there, no npc buildings, no other players’ buildings. And everywhere is that mighty “Building is not Allowed Here”. Another useless cave on Siptah or it can be fixed as a bug? I guess there might be an npc camp or dungeon entrance atop of the rock, but guys, cmon, its about 1km up, why not? Camping in that cave will not ruin anyone’s gameplay.
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