Was Crafting armor on Garrison Beach a few hours ago. Are items not showing up in bench or just not letting you to build? Is all items checked in bench? @Joephonix
I have all the knowledge and skills to craft everything that we can craft, i have all my ingredients in the armorers bench, when i click on the armour i wish to craft it doesn’t show up in the qued section and no ingredients removed
Didn’t mean to delete my post. Made several Lemararian weapons in garrison bench went through in-game settings saw nothing that could cause a problem suggestion turn your server off and on. @Joephonix .Good luck let us know what happens.
Can anyone else on your server craft armor? @stelagel my friend any suggestions? Have Crafted on 3504 and WYRM’S BANE. @Community any help here or suggestions?
Try going into off line game admin your self to level 60 and what ever you need might discover if it’s in your server settings or not have not seen this problem.
Check your filters. L3 and R3 have filters. If your filters are on a dlc you don’t own then you cannot see your crafting menu correctly. Upload a photo of what you see when you interact your benches so I can help more.