Can not craft many epic armors

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5 (Digital Edition)
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Ger_Isle-of-sitpah_Neustart

Bug Description:

Epic armor is not displayed in “Knowledge”, nor can you build it in the improved workbench. Concerns :
Were-Hyena Armor Epic
Ranger Armor Epic
Frost Giant’s Epic
Black Knight Armor Epic

Armors were unlocked normally, e.g. “Ranger Armor Epic” by reaching the “Dungeon Delver” journey step. The armors can all be built “normally” only not on “epic”. I mentioned the “Black Knight Armor” >n a previous bug report, but apparently this affects a lot of armors on Epic, even “normally” learned “>Knowledge” like the “Were-Hyena Armor Epic”.

Bug Reproduction:

Have learned or earned the recipes. Can’t build the Epic versions. They are also not displayed under “Knowledge” → “Armor” → “Exile Epics”. Also can’t find them with the “Knowledge” search function.

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