Can't get epic version armors in Siptha

Hi, hope someone can help me out with a problem I have, no matter where I try it, official server or private server not even in co-op, but everytime I delve an armor piece for a Siptah variant in Siptha map, I never get the epic version of any armor.

Is it a mechanic change from behalf of funcom or am I the only one that can’t get it? I really want to know.

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Welcome to the Forum @ViperCJ .I have a question not answer I play on ps5 have you tried all three of the armor benches? Because I have run into armor and weapons that can not be built in the bench you assume that they should. Worth a try Good luck Exile :+1:

Garrison Armorer Bench probably has it

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Thanks for the advice but I have tried them already, also when I go to my knowledge tab I can see the nightstalker in normal version but If I scroll down it doesn’t show, same for black knight :confused:

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